Takatoshi Ito, Satoshi Koibuchi, Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu
The purpose of this paper is to identify determinants of currency invoicing among Japanese exporting firms with firm-level data, overcoming the usual limitation of data availability, by interviewing 23 representative Japanese firms in three industriesautomobile, electrical machinery and general machinery. Major findings are as follows. First, invoicing in the importer's currency is prevalent in exports to advanced countries, because most of exports by the globally operating firms are destined for local retail subsidiaries of respective firms, which conforms to the pricing-to-market behaviour discussed in the literature. Second, Japanese firms that export highly differentiated products or have a dominant share in the global market tend to invoice their exporting products in the yen both to advanced countries and to developing countries. Third, although Japanese firms have shifted their production bases to Asian countries, exports from Japan to these Asian production subsidiaries tend to be invoiced in US dollars as long as the final destination market is in the USA. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.