Researcher List Kay Irie Kay Irie (入江 恵) Please select the form format to download from below 「Education and research environment」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ①Outline for Vitae」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ②Education and research environment」format Profile Information AffiliationLecturer, Faculty of international Social Sciences Department of international Social Sciences, Gakushuin UniversityDegreeEd.D(Temple University)J-GLOBAL ID200901063087188124researchmap Member ID5000096667 Research Interests 7 CLIL Q methodology Language learning psychology 自律学習者育成 言語学習動機づけ Autonomous Language Learning Language Learning Motivation Research Areas 4 Natural sciences / Applied mathematics and statistics / Natural sciences / Basic mathematics / Humanities & social sciences / Educational psychology / Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education / Papers 14 Rethinking the role of classroom communication: learning from older learners Kay Irie Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 16(2) 1-11, Feb 10, 2021 Peer-reviewed Using Q methodology to investigate pre-service EFL teachers’ mindsets about teaching competences. Irie, K, Ryan, S, Mercer, S Studies of Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(3) 575-598, 2018 Peer-reviewedLead author Identifying Patterns of Changes in Self-Perception: Q Methodology*Identifying Patterns of Changes in Self-Perception: Q Methodology. IRIE Kay, with, RYAN Stephe SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2015 Peer-reviewed Q methodology for post-social-turn research in SLA IRIE Kay Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(1) 13-32, Mar, 2014 Peer-reviewed Q Methodology : A Scientifically Holistic Approach to the Study of Language Learning Psychology Irie Kay 東海大学紀要. 外国語教育センター, (33) 1-13, 2012 More Misc. 1 Waning Motivation to Learn English in Junior High School : Myth or Reality?(English as an 'International Language' : Educational Goals and Standards) : Irie Kay 43 228-229, 2004 Books and Other Publications 9 English Teaching Instructions Based on Motivation Research Rieko Nishida (Role: Contributor, Chapter 4-7 Aiming for a university curriculum that fosters autonomous learners) Taishukan Shoten, May, 2022 (ISBN: 9784469246599) The Routledge handbook of the psychology of language learning and teaching Gregersen, Tammy, Mercer, Sarah (Role: Contributor) Routledge, Nov, 2021 (ISBN: 9780367337230) 日本語教育の新しい地図 : 専門知識を書き換える 青木, 直子, Matthew, Burdelski (Role: Contributor, セルフに見る学習者理解へのアプローチ~Individual Differencesからの脱却 p. 139-158) ひつじ書房, Mar, 2021 (ISBN: 9784823410222) Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The case of Japan (pp.211-232). IRIE Kay (Role: Contributor, An insider’s view: launching a university program. (pp.211-232)) Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The case of Japan (pp. 97-116) Ryan, S, Irie, K (Role: Contributor, Learning across generations: A small-scale initiative (pp. 97-116)) Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (ISBN: 9783030125677) More Presentations 27 Positive classroom communication: Learning from older learners Kay Irie Feb 13, 2021 Invited Introductory workshop on Q-methodology. Japan Association for Language Teaching 46th International Conference 2020, Nov 25, 2020 Invited Language Learning as Positive Communication Kay Irie Nov 26, 2020 Invited Mindsets: Implicit & Explicit Beliefs Mixed in Q IRIE Kay JALT 2016, Nov 27, 2016 Investigating the Mindsets of Pre-service EFL Teachers in Austria Using Q Methodology. IRIE Kay, RYAN Stephen, MERCER Sarah The 15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Jun, 2016 More Research Projects 1 A Longitudinal Study of Content and Language Integrated Learning for Japanese University EFL Learners Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2017 - Mar, 2021 Nishida Rieko
Kay Irie (入江 恵) Please select the form format to download from below 「Education and research environment」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ①Outline for Vitae」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ②Education and research environment」format Profile Information AffiliationLecturer, Faculty of international Social Sciences Department of international Social Sciences, Gakushuin UniversityDegreeEd.D(Temple University)J-GLOBAL ID200901063087188124researchmap Member ID5000096667 Research Interests 7 CLIL Q methodology Language learning psychology 自律学習者育成 言語学習動機づけ Autonomous Language Learning Language Learning Motivation Research Areas 4 Natural sciences / Applied mathematics and statistics / Natural sciences / Basic mathematics / Humanities & social sciences / Educational psychology / Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education / Papers 14 Rethinking the role of classroom communication: learning from older learners Kay Irie Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 16(2) 1-11, Feb 10, 2021 Peer-reviewed Using Q methodology to investigate pre-service EFL teachers’ mindsets about teaching competences. Irie, K, Ryan, S, Mercer, S Studies of Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(3) 575-598, 2018 Peer-reviewedLead author Identifying Patterns of Changes in Self-Perception: Q Methodology*Identifying Patterns of Changes in Self-Perception: Q Methodology. IRIE Kay, with, RYAN Stephe SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2015 Peer-reviewed Q methodology for post-social-turn research in SLA IRIE Kay Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(1) 13-32, Mar, 2014 Peer-reviewed Q Methodology : A Scientifically Holistic Approach to the Study of Language Learning Psychology Irie Kay 東海大学紀要. 外国語教育センター, (33) 1-13, 2012 More Misc. 1 Waning Motivation to Learn English in Junior High School : Myth or Reality?(English as an 'International Language' : Educational Goals and Standards) : Irie Kay 43 228-229, 2004 Books and Other Publications 9 English Teaching Instructions Based on Motivation Research Rieko Nishida (Role: Contributor, Chapter 4-7 Aiming for a university curriculum that fosters autonomous learners) Taishukan Shoten, May, 2022 (ISBN: 9784469246599) The Routledge handbook of the psychology of language learning and teaching Gregersen, Tammy, Mercer, Sarah (Role: Contributor) Routledge, Nov, 2021 (ISBN: 9780367337230) 日本語教育の新しい地図 : 専門知識を書き換える 青木, 直子, Matthew, Burdelski (Role: Contributor, セルフに見る学習者理解へのアプローチ~Individual Differencesからの脱却 p. 139-158) ひつじ書房, Mar, 2021 (ISBN: 9784823410222) Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The case of Japan (pp.211-232). IRIE Kay (Role: Contributor, An insider’s view: launching a university program. (pp.211-232)) Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The case of Japan (pp. 97-116) Ryan, S, Irie, K (Role: Contributor, Learning across generations: A small-scale initiative (pp. 97-116)) Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (ISBN: 9783030125677) More Presentations 27 Positive classroom communication: Learning from older learners Kay Irie Feb 13, 2021 Invited Introductory workshop on Q-methodology. Japan Association for Language Teaching 46th International Conference 2020, Nov 25, 2020 Invited Language Learning as Positive Communication Kay Irie Nov 26, 2020 Invited Mindsets: Implicit & Explicit Beliefs Mixed in Q IRIE Kay JALT 2016, Nov 27, 2016 Investigating the Mindsets of Pre-service EFL Teachers in Austria Using Q Methodology. IRIE Kay, RYAN Stephen, MERCER Sarah The 15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Jun, 2016 More Research Projects 1 A Longitudinal Study of Content and Language Integrated Learning for Japanese University EFL Learners Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2017 - Mar, 2021 Nishida Rieko