
中村 周

ナカムラ シュウ  (Shu Nakamura)


学習院大学 理学部数学科 教授




  • Shu Nakamura
    Journal of Spectral Theory 2024年2月13日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Shu Nakamura, Kouichi Taira
    Annales Henri Poincaré 2023年2月9日  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura
    Analysis and PDE 15(7) 1725-1762 2022年12月5日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Shu Nakamura, Kouichi Taira
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 398(3) 1153-1169 2022年11月12日  査読有り
  • Pavel Exner, Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 112(4) 2022年8月19日  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura, Kouichi Taira
    Annales Henri Lebesgue 4 1035-1059 2021年9月22日  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano
    Journal of Spectral Theory 11(1) 355-367 2021年3月12日  査読有り
    The norm resolvent convergence of discrete Schrödinger operators to a continuum Schrödinger operator in the continuum limit is proved under relatively weak assumptions. This result implies, in particular, the convergence of the spectrum with respect to the Hausdorff distance.
  • Kentaro Kameoka, Shu Nakamura
    Pure and Applied Analysis 2(4) 861-873 2020年12月31日  査読有り
    The resonances for the Wigner-von Neumann type Hamiltonian are defined by the periodic complex distortion in the Fourier space. Also, following Zworski, we characterize resonances as the limit points of discrete eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian with a quadratic complex absorbing potential in the viscosity type limit.
  • Shu Nakamura
    Annales Henri Poincaré 21(10) 3119-3139 2020年10月  査読有り
  • Jussi Behrndt, Fritz Gesztesy, Shu Nakamura
    Mathematische Annalen 371(3-4) 1-46 2017年9月23日  査読有り
    The spectral shift function of a pair of self-adjoint operators is expressed via an abstract operator-valued Titchmarsh–Weyl m-function. This general result is applied to different self-adjoint realizations of second-order elliptic partial differential operators on smooth domains with compact boundaries and Schrödinger operators with compactly supported potentials. In these applications the spectral shift function is determined in an explicit form with the help of (energy parameter dependent) Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps.
  • Takuro Matsuta, Tohru Koma, Shu Nakamura
    Annales Henri Poincaré 18(2) 519-528 2017年2月  査読有り
  • 中村 周
    J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 24 239-257 2017年  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura
    Communications in Partial Differential Equations 41(6) 894-912 2016年6月2日  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 55(11) 112101-112101 2014年11月  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura, Alexander Pushnitski
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366(4) 1725-1747 2014年  査読有り
    The object of study in this paper is the on-shell scattering matrix S(E) of the Schrodinger operator with the potential satisfying assumptions typical in the theory of shape resonances. We study the spectrum of S(E) in the semiclassical limit when the energy parameter E varies from Eres - ε to Eres + ε, where Eres is a real part of a resonance and ε is sufficiently small. The main result of our work describes the spectral flow of the scattering matrix through a given point on the unit circle. This result is closely related to the Breit-Wigner effect. © 2013 American Mathematical Society.
  • Kazuki Horie, Shu Nakamura
    Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 50(3) 477-496 2014年  査読有り
  • Shu Nakamura
    Journal of Spectral Theory 4(3) 613-619 2014年  査読有り
  • André Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
    Topics in the Theory of Schrodinger Operators 71-92 2014年1月1日  査読有り
  • Mahito Kohmoto, Tohru Koma, Shu Nakamura
    Annales Henri Poincaré 14(5) 1413-1424 2013年7月  査読有り
  • Kenichi Ito, Shu Nakamura
    Analysis & PDE 6(2) 257-286 2013年6月24日  査読有り
  • M. Kaminaga, M. Krishna, S. Nakamura
    Journal of Statistical Physics 149(3) 496-504 2012年11月  査読有り
  • Frédéric Klopp, Michael Loss, Shu Nakamura, Günter Stolz
    Duke Mathematical Journal 161(4) 2012年3月15日  査読有り
    We prove spectral and dynamical localization for the multi-dimensional random displacement model near the bottom of its spectrum by showing that the approach through multiscale analysis is applicable. In particular, we show that a previously known Lifshitz tail bound can be extended to our setting and prove a new Wegner estimate. A key tool is given by a quantitative form of a property of a related single-site Neumann problem which can be described as "bubbles tend to the corners".
  • Frédéric Klopp, Michael Loss, Shu Nakamura, Günter Stolz
    Spectral Analysis of Quantum Hamiltonians: Spectral Days 2010 224 183-219 2012年1月1日  査読有り招待有り
    We give a detailed survey of results obtained in the most recent half-decade which led to a deeper understanding of the random displacement model, a model of a random Schrödinger operator which describes the quantum mechanics of an electron in a structurally disordered medium. These results started by identifying configurations which characterize minimal energy, then led to Lifshitz tail bounds on the integrated density of states as well as a Wegner estimate near the spectral minimum, which ultimately resulted in a proof of spectral and dynamical localization at low energy for the multi-dimensional random displacement model.
  • Kenichi Ito, Shu Nakamura
    Annales de l'Institut Fourier 62(3) 1091-1121 2012年  査読有り
    We consider Schrödinger operators H on ℝ n with variable coefficients. Let H o = -1/2δ be the free Schrödinger operator and we suppose H is a "short-range" perturbation of H o. Then, under the nontrapping condition, we show that the time evolution operator: e -itH can be written as a product of the free evolution operator e-itH o and a Fourier integral operator W(t) which is associated to the canonical relation given by the classical mechanical scattering. We also prove a similar result for the wave operators. These results are analogous to results by Hassell and Wunsch, but the assumptions, the proof and the formulation of results are considerably different. The proof employs an Egorov-type theorem similar to those used in previous works by the authors combined with a Beals-type characterization of Fourier integral operators.
  • Frédéric Klopp, Shu Nakamura
    Analysis & PDE 3(4) 409-426 2010年9月8日  査読有り
  • Kenichi Ito, Shu Nakamura
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society 81(3) 774-792 2010年6月  査読有り
    We construct a time-dependent scattering theory for Schrödinger operators on a manifold $M$ with asymptotically conic structure. We use the two-space scattering theory formalism, and a reference operator on a space of the form $R\times \partial M$, where $\partial M$ is the boundary of $M$ at infinity. We prove the existence and the completeness of the wave operators, and show that our scattering matrix is equivalent to the absolute scattering matrix, which is defined in terms of the asymptotic expansion of generalized eigenfunctions. Our method is functional analytic, and we use no microlocal analysis in this paper.
  • Andre Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
    This paper is a continuation of [9], where short range perturbations of the flat Euclidian metric where considered. Here, we generalize the results of [9] to long-range perturbations (in particular, we can allow potentials growing like < x > 2-epsilon at infinity). More precisely, we construct a modified quantum free evolution G0(-s, hDz) acting on Sjostrand's spaces, and we characterize the analytic wave front set of the solution e-itHu0 of the Schrodinger equation, in terms of the semiclassical exponential decay of G0(-th-1, hDz)Tu0, where T stands for the Bargmann-transform. The result is valid for t0 near the forward non trapping points, and for t0 near the backward non trapping points. It is an extension of [12] to the analytic framework.
  • Kenichi Ito, Shu Nakamura
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 131(6) 1835-1865 2009年12月  査読有り
    In this paper we study microlocal singularities of solutions to Schrodinger equations on scattering manifolds, i.e.. noncompact Riemannian manifolds with asymptotically conic ends. We characterize the wave front set of the solutions in terms of the initial condition and the classical scattering maps under the nontrapping condition. Our result is closely related to a recent work by Hassell and Wunsch, though our model is more general and the method, which relies heavily on scattering theoretical ideas, is simple and quite different. In particular, we use an Egorov-type argument in the standard pseudodifferential symbol classes, and avoid using Legendre distributions. In the proof, we employ a microlocal smoothing property in terms of the radially homogenous wave front set, which is more precise than the preceding results.
  • Andre Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
    ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 222(4) 1277-1307 2009年11月  査読有り
    This paper is a continuation of [A. Martinez, S. Nakamura, V. Sordoni, Analytic smoothing effect for the Schrodinger equation with long-range perturbation, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. LIX (2006) 1330-1351], where an analytic smoothing effect was proved for long-range type perturbations of the Laplacian H(0) on R(n). In this paper, we consider short-range type perturbations H of the Laplacian on R(n), and we characterize the analytic wave front set of the solution to the Schrodinger equation: e(-itH) f, in terms of that of the free solution: e(-itH0) f, for t < 0 in the forward non-trapping region. The same result holds for t > 0 in the backward non-trapping region. This result is an analytic analogue of results by Hassel and Wunsch [A. Hassel, J. Wunsch, The Schrodinger propagator for scattering metrics, Ann. of Math. 162 (2005) 487-523] and Nakamura [S. Nakamura, Wave front set for solutions to Schrodinger equations, J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009) 1299-1309]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Frederic Klopp, Shu Nakamura
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 287(3) 1133-1143 2009年5月  査読有り
    In the present note, we determine the ground state energy and study the existence of Lifshitz tails near this energy for some non monotonous alloy type models. Here, non monotonous means that the single site potential coming into the alloy random potential changes sign. In particular, the random operator is not a monotonous function of the random variables.
  • Shu Nakamura
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 256(4) 1299-1309 2009年2月  査読有り
    We consider solutions to Schrodinger equation on R(d) with variable coefficients. Let H be the Schrodinger operator and let u(t) = e(-itH)u(0) be the solution to the Schrodinger equation with the initial condition u(0) is an element of L(2)(R(d)). We show that the wave front set of u(t) in the nontrapping region can be characterized by the wave front set of e(-itH0)u(0). where H(0) is the free Schrodinger operator. The characterization of the wave front set is given by the wave operator for the corresponding classical mechanical scattering (or equivalently, by the asymptotics of the geodesic flow). (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Shikuan Mao, Shu Nakamura
    We consider Schrodinger equations with variable coefficients and the harmonic potential. We suppose the perturbation is short-range type in the sense of [7]. We characterize the wave front set of the solutions to the equation in terms of the classical scattering data and the propagator of the unperturbed harmonic oscillator. In particular, we give a recurrence of singularities type theorem for the propagation of the period t=.
  • Shu Nakamura
    JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 61(1) 177-211 2009年1月  査読有り
    We consider Schrodinger equations with variable coefficients, which are long-range type perturbations of the flat Laplacian on R-n. We characterize the wave front set of solutions to Schrodinger equations in terms of the initial state. Then it is shown that the singularities propagates along the classical flow, and results are formulated in a semiclassical setting. Methods analogous to the long-range scattering theory, in particular a modified free propagator, are employed.
  • Andre Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
    COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE 346(15-16) 849-852 2008年8月  査読有り
    We consider the Schrodinger equation associated to long range perturbations of the flat Euclidean metric (in particular, potentials growing subquadratically at infinity are allowed). We construct a modified quantum free evolution G(0)(s) acting on Sjostrand's spaces, and we characterize the analytic wave front set of the solution e(-itH) u(0) of the Schrodinger equation, in terms of the semiclassical exponential decay of G(0)(-th(-1))Tu(0), where T stands for the Bargmann-transform. The result is valid for t < 0 near the forward non-trapping points, and for t > 0 near the backward non-trapping points.
  • Andre Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
    We study the microlocal analytic singularity of solutions to the Schrodinger equation with analytic coefficients. Using microlocal weight estimates developed for estimating phase space tunneling, we prove microlocal smoothing estimates that generalize results by Robbiano and Zuily. We show that the exponential decay of the initial state in a cone in the phase space implies microlocal analytic regularity of the solution at a positive time. We suppose the Schrodinger operator is a long-range-type perturbation of the Laplacian, and we employ positive commutator-type estimates to prove the smoothing property. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • D Hundertmark, R Killip, S Nakamura, P Stollmann, Veselic, I
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 262(2) 489-503 2006年3月  査読有り
    We study spectra of Schrodinger operators on R-d. First we consider a pair of operators which differ by a compactly supported potential, as well as the corresponding semigroups. We prove almost exponential decay of the singular values mu(n) of the difference of the semigroups as n --> infinity and deduce bounds on the spectral shift function of the pair of operators. Thereafter we consider alloy type random Schrodinger operators. The single site potential u is assumed to be non-negative and of compact support. The distributions of the random coupling constants are assumed to be Holder continuous. Based on the estimates for the spectral shift function, we prove a Wegner estimate which implies Holder continuity of the integrated density of states.
  • Nakamura Shu
    Duke Math. J. 126(2) 349-367 2005年2月  査読有り
  • S Nakamura, Sordoni, V
    We give a simple new proof of the exponential decay estimate in the adiabatic theory. The idea is to combine the stationary scattering theory for time-dependent Hamiltonian with tunneling estimates in the energy space.
  • S Nakamura, P Stefanov, M Zworski
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 205(1) 180-205 2003年12月  査読有り
    We show that the Schrodinger propagator can be expanded in terms of resonances at energy levels at which a barrier separates the interaction region from infinity. The expansions hold for all times with errors small in the semi-classical parameter. As a byproduct we obtain a result on the approximation of clusters of resonant states by clusters of eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint reference operator. (C) 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • F Klopp, S Nakamura
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 44(11) 4975-4980 2003年11月  査読有り
    This short note is devoted to the proof of Lifshitz tails and a Wegner estimate, and thus, band edge localization, for the random hopping model. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
  • Klopp, F, Nakamura, S, Nakano, F, Nomura, Y
    Ann. H. Poincaré 4(4) 795-811 2003年  査読有り
  • A Martinez, S Nakamura, Sordoni, V
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 191(2) 297-317 2002年6月  査読有り
    We prove exponentially small estimates on the off-diagonal terms of the scattering matrix associated to two-state semiclassical Schrodinger Hamiltonians. Our method is based on phase space tunneling estimates and a splitting of the operator by means of Toeplitz-type phase space cutoff operators. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
  • JM Combes, PD Hislop, F Klopp, S Nakamura
    The integrated density of states (IDS) for random operators is an important function describing many physical characteristics of a random system. Properties of the IDS are derived from the Wegner estimate that describes the influence of finite-volume perturbations on a background system. In this paper, we present a simple proof of the Wegner estimate applicable to a wide variety of random perturbations of deterministic background operators. The proof yields the correct volume dependence of the upper bound. This implies the local Holder continuity of the integrated density of states at energies in the unperturbed spectral gap. The proof depends on the L-P-theory of the spectral shift function (SSF), for p greater than or equal to 1, applicable to pairs of self-adjoint operators whose difference is in the trace ideal I-P, for 0 < p less than or equal to 1. We present this and other results on the SSF due to other authors. Under an additional condition of the single-site potential, local Holder continuity is proved at all energies. Finally, we present extensions of this work to random potentials with nonsign definite single-site potentials.
  • Nakamura Shu
    Proc. Indean Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 112(1) 183-187 2002年2月  査読有り招待有り
  • JM Combes, PD Hislop, S Nakamura
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 218(1) 113-130 2001年4月  査読有り
    We develop the L-p-theory of the spectral shift function, for p greater than or equal to 1, applicable to pairs of self-adjoint operators whose difference is in the trace ideal I-p, for 0 < p less than or equal to 1. This result is a key ingredient of a new, short proof of the Wegner estimate applicable to a wide variety of additive and multiplicative random perturbations of deterministic background operators. The proof yields the correct volume dependence of the upper bound. This implies the local Holder continuity of the integrated density of states at energies in the unperturbed spectral gap. Under an additional condition of the single-site potential, local Holder continuity is proved at all energies. This new Wegner estimate, together with other, standard results, establishes exponential localization for a new family of models for additive and multiplicative perturbations.
  • S Nakamura
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 179(1) 136-152 2001年1月  査読有り
    We prove an estimate on the difference of the number of eigenvalues for Schrodinger operators with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in large boxes. In the proof, we use Krein's theory of the spectral shift function. As an application, we show that the integrated density of states is independent of the choice of boundary conditions. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
  • Nakamura Shu
    Commun. Math. Phys. 214(3) 565-572 2000年11月  査読有り
  • S Nakamura
    ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 1(5) 823-835 2000年  査読有り
    Lifshitz tail for 2 dimensional discrete Schrodinger operator with Anderson-type random magnetic field is proved. We first prove local energy estimates for deterministic discrete magnetic Schrodinger operators, and then follow the large deviation argument of Simon [6].
  • S Nakamura
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 208(1) 173-193 1999年12月  査読有り
    Semiclassical asymptotics of the spectral shift function (SSF) for Schrodinger operator is studied at trapping energies. It is shown that the SSF converges to sum of a smooth function and a step function, which is essentially the counting function of resonances. In particular, the Weyl asymptotics is proved.
  • Herbst, I, Nakamura, S
    American Math. Soc. Transl. 189 1999年  査読有り招待有り


  • Shu Nakamura, Kouichi Taira
    Let $X=\mathbb{R}\times M$ be the spacetime, where $M$ is a closed manifold equipped with a Riemannian metric $g$, and we consider a symmetric Klein-Gordon type operator $P$ on $X$, which is asymptotically converges to $\partial_t^2-\triangle_g$ as $|t|\to\infty$, where $\triangle_g$ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on $M$. We prove the essential self-adjointness of $P$ on $C_0^\infty(X)$. The idea of the proof is closely related to a recent paper by the authors on the essential self-adjointness for Klein-Gordon operators on asymptotically flat spaces.
  • Shu Nakamura, Kouichi Taira
    Here we discuss a new simplified proof of the essential self-adjointness for formally self-adjoint differential operators of real principal type, previously proved by Vasy (2020) and Nakamura-Taira (2021). For simplicity, here we discuss the second order cases, i.e., Klein-Gordon type operators only.
  • Pavel Exner, Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano
    We consider the quantum graph Hamiltonian on the square lattice in Euclidean space, and we show that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian converges to the corresponding Schrödinger operator on the Euclidean space in the continuum limit, and that the corresponding eigenfunctions and eigenprojections also converge in some sense. We employ the discrete Schrödinger operator as the intermediate operator, and we use a recent result by the second and third author on the continuum limit of the discrete Schrödinger operator.
  • Shu Nakamura
    We propose a method of data quantization of finite discrete-time signals which optimizes the error estimate of low frequency Haar coefficients. We also discuss the error/noise bounds of this quantization in the Fourier space. Our result shows one can quantize any discrete-time analog signal with high precision at low frequencies. Our method is deterministic, and it employs no statistical arguments, nor any probabilistic assumptions.
  • Shu Nakamura
    We consider scattering matrix for Schr\&quot;odinger-type operators on $R^d$ with<br /> perturbation $V(x)=O(\langle x\rangle^{-1})$ as $|x|\to\infty$. We show that<br /> the scattering matrix (with time-independent modifiers) is a pseudodifferential<br /> operator. We present examples of which the spectrum of the scattering matrix is<br /> dense point spectrum.

