Andre' Martinez, Shu Nakamura, Vania Sordoni
35(12) 2279-2309 2010年
This paper is a continuation of a paper by the authors: arXiv:0706.0415,<br />
where short range perturbations of the flat Euclidian metric where considered.<br />
Here, we generalize the results of the paper to long-range perturbations (in<br />
particular, we can allow potentials growing like $<x>^{2-\varepsilon}$ at<br />
infinity). More precisely, we construct a modified quantum free evolution<br />
$G_0(-s, hD_z)$ acting on Sj\"ostrand's spaces, and we characterize the<br />
analytic wave front set of the solution $e^{-itH}u_0$ of the Schr\"odinger<br />
equation, in terms of the semiclassical exponential decay of $G_0(-th^{-1},<br />
hD_z)T u_0$, where $T$ stands for the Bargmann-transform. The result is valid<br />
for $t<0$ near the forward non trapping points, and for $t>0$ near the backward<br />
non trapping points. It is an extension of a paper by Nakamura<br />
(arXiv:math/0605742) to the analytic framework.