
深海 雄介

フカミ ユウスケ  (Yusuke Fukami)


学習院大学 理学部 化学科 助教



  • Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Yusuke Fukami, Sayuri Kubo, Ayako Watakabe, Minako Kurisu, Satoshi Tokeshi, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Katsuhiko Suzuki
    Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39(7) 1759-1777 2024年4月30日  
    A key driver to develop stable tungsten (W) isotope geochemistry is its unique relationship with molybdenum (Mo). Here, we establish a combined double-spike (DS) method for W (180W-184W spike) and Mo (97Mo-100Mo spike) to perform simple, efficient, and robust isotope measurements of these two chemically analogous elements in single sample aliquots. Based on previous column chemistry, we optimized two-stage anion-exchange procedures to remove matrix elements, particularly the critical interference of Ta and Hf on 180W, and to collect sharply separated W and Mo fractions. The obtained recoveries are quantitative for both elements, and their purities are sufficiently high to achieve high-precision measurements comparable to previous DS measurements of individual elements. The reproducibility of our isotope measurements for in-house standard solutions (2SD) was ±0.02‰ for δ186W and ±0.03‰ for δ98Mo. We applied our method to 27 geological reference materials including 10 igneous rocks (AGV-2, JA-3, JR-1, JB-1, JB-1a, JB-2, JB-3, W-2a, TDB-1, and WGB-1), 9 sediments (Nod-A-1, Nod-P-1, JMn-1, JMS-1, JMS-2, CRM7302-a, HISS-1, MESS-4, and PAC-3), and 8 sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks (SDC-1, SDO-1, SBC-1, SCO-1, SCO-2, JSL-1, JSL-2, and IOC-1) to produce a comprehensive data set. The data set confirmed the accuracy of our measurements and expanded the reference materials available for interlaboratory comparisons of δ186W and δ98Mo. The data set also indicates potential pitfalls in sample preparations for particular sample types and shows several variations of W and Mo isotopes possibly related to low-/high-temperature geochemical processes. Our new method, plus the reference data set, will facilitate the development of stable isotope geochemistry for W and Mo.
  • Yusuke Fukami, Ryoko Ariizumi, Yuta Ijichi, Takeshi Ohno, Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Takazo Shibuya, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Takafumi Hirata
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024年4月18日  査読有り
  • Ami Yoshida, Junko Shikimori, Takeshi Ohno, Yuta Ijichi, Yusuke Fukami, Masahiro Sakata, Takafumi Hirata
    Journal of environmental radioactivity 255 107011-107011 2022年9月19日  査読有り
    We examine the historical changes of 236U/238U and 235U/238U in a sediment core collected in Tokyo Bay and elucidate the anthropogenic sources of uranium in the 1960s-2000s. Uranium-236 was detected in samples deposited in the 1960s-2000s, and the 236U/238U ratio of the sediment core shows peak values in the 1970s. The 235U/238U isotopic ratios in samples deposited in the early 1960s are almost identical to that of natural uranium, implying that the 236U might have originated from global fallout. A decrease in 235U/238U was observed in the late 1960s-2000s, suggesting that depleted uranium from nuclear fuel reprocessing increased the 236U/238U ratios in the sediment. The 236U/238U values in sediments from the 1980s-2000s were lower than those in the 1970s but considerably higher than those in the 1960s, suggesting that the main source of depleted uranium still remains around Tokyo Bay. Our results demonstrated that the depleted uranium released in the 1970s should be considered as an important end-member when using uranium isotopic ratios as environmental tracers in closed aquatic environments around industrial cities.
  • Yusuke Fukami, Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Hiroshi Amakawa, Takazo Shibuya, Akira Usui, Katsuhiko Suzuki
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 318 279-291 2022年2月1日  査読有り
    We present the first report of the concentrations and stable isotope compositions of Te in the surface layer of ferromanganese crusts collected from the slope of two seamounts in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Takuyo-Daigo and Takuyo-Daisan, which cover water depths from 1000 to 5500 m. The Te concentration in the surface layer of the ferromanganese crusts sharply decreases with increasing depth at shallow regions, but this decrease becomes more gradual at deeper regions. The Te isotope composition exhibits two trends that become (1) lighter with increasing water depth at shallow depths and (2) heavier with increasing water depth at greater depths. These profiles are the same for the two seamounts and indicate two types of correlations between the concentration and isotope composition with water depth. The turning points are located at approximately 2000 m for Takuyo-Daigo and 3200 m for Takuyo-Daisan, which likely correspond to different oxygen minimum zones. Co-precipitation processes with Fe and oxidation involving Mn may be responsible for the variation of Te concentration and isotope composition with water depth. These processes are also related to a change of the dissolved oxygen concentration in ambient seawater. The Te isotope compositions in ferromanganese crusts may therefore serve as a potential proxy for changes of the oxygen minimum zone of paleoceans.
  • Takeshi Ohno, Naoki Sato, Junko Shikimori, Yuta Ijichi, Yusuke Fukami, Yasuhito Igarashi
    Science of the Total Environment 2021年  査読有り
    We examine the temporal changes of 236U/238U and 235U/238U in atmospheric deposition from samples collected in Tokyo and Akita from 1963 to 1979 and elucidate the spatial distribution and historical changes of the anthropogenic sources of uranium in Japan. The 236U/238U ratio of atmospheric deposition in Tokyo peaked in 1963 and again during the 1970s, while the corresponding 235U/238U ratios of atmospheric deposition during the second peak period were lower than that of natural uranium. The 236U/238U ratios of atmospheric deposition in Akita samples peaked in 1963. The 235U/238U ratios in Akita samples were almost identical to that of the natural uranium ratios. These results suggest that the peak of 236U/238U in 1963 corresponds to what is recognized as representative for global fallout. The increase of 236U/238U and the decrease of 235U/238U observed simultaneously in the 1970s indicate that depleted uranium has subsequently been released into the environment around Tokyo. The cumulative deposition density of 236U for atmospheric fallout samples collected in Tokyo from 1968 to 1979 is an order of magnitude larger than that of the global fallout, suggesting that the depleted uranium in the 1970s is a major component of 236U in Tokyo and should be considered as an end-member when using 236U as an environmental tracer in the industrial city. This knowledge can facilitate future research using 236U as an effective environmental tracer.
  • Shotaro Takano, Mao Tsuchiya, Shoji Imai, Yuhei Yamamoto, Yusuke Fukami, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshiki Sohrin
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 55(3) 171-183 2021年  査読有り
    Nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) are commonly used in human activities and pollute aquatic environments including rivers and oceans. Recently, Ni, Cu, and Zn isotope ratios have been measured to identify their sources and cycles in environments. We precisely determined the Ni, Cu, and Zn isotope ratios in rain, snow, and rime collected from Uji City and Mt. Kajigamori in Japan, and investigated the potential of isotopic ratios as tracers of anthropogenic materials. The isotope and elemental ratios suggested that road dust is the main source of Cu in most rain, snow, and rime samples and that some of the Cu may originate from fossil fuel combustion. Zinc in the rain, snow, and rime samples may be partially attributed to Zn in road dust. Zinc isotope ratios in the Uji rain samples are lower than those in the road dust, which would be emitted via high temperature processes. Nickel isotope ratios are correlated with V/Ni ratios in the rain, snow, and rime samples, suggesting that their main source is heavy oil combustion. Furthermore, we analyzed water samples from the Uji and Tawara Rivers and the Kakita River spring in Japan. Nickel and Cu isotope ratios in the river water samples were significantly heavier than those in rain, snow, and rime samples, while Zn isotope ratios were similar. This is attributed to isotopic fractionation of Cu and Ni between particulate-dissolved phases in river water or soil.
  • Wataru Fujisaki, Yusuke Fukami, Yohei Matsui, Tomoki Sato, Yusuke Sawaki, Katsuhiko Suzuki
    Earth-Science Reviews 204 2020年5月  査読有り
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. We determined redox-sensitive element concentrations along with δ15NTN values from the Triassic-Jurassic shales interbedded within deep-sea cherts at the Katsuyama section, SW Japan, to clarify the redox and related nitrogen cycle conditions in mid-Panthalassa during the TJB biotic crisis, focusing particularly on the linkages with CAMP volcanism. Slight enrichments of Mn and Mo across the TJB suggest a vertically expanded mid-Panthalassic OMZ above a well‑oxygenated deep ocean. Moreover, high-resolution δ15NTN records during the Triassic-Jurassic transition exhibit a negative nitrogen isotope excursion (NNIE) just above the TJB. Relative to the previously reported negative carbon isotope excursion (NCIE) across the TJB, the NNIE can be divided into two intervals: negative interval 1 (NI-1) during the NCIE and NI-2 after the NCIE. The NNIE can be explained as an interval of nitrate-rich conditions, reflecting an oxic Panthalassic Ocean during the Triassic-Jurassic transition. Our geochemical dataset provides new insights into environmental perturbations in mid-Panthalassia during the TJB biotic crisis: (1) a vertically expanded OMZ and decreased primary productivity owing to global warming caused by CAMP volcanism across the TJB resulted in an increased nitrate concentration during the NI-1, and (2) eutrophic, nitrate-rich conditions developed in mid-Panthalassa during the NI-2 due to the enhanced continental weathering and deep-water upwelling. Significantly, our results are the first to demonstrate that the OMZs were expanded not only in the shallow-marine regions, but also in pelagic sites across the TJB, suggesting that the globally expanded OMZs can be regarded as a crucial driver for the TJB biotic crisis.
  • Takamasa Asako, Suzuki Katsuhiko, Fukami Yusuke, Iizuka Tsuyoshi, Tejada Maria Luisa G., Fujisaki Wataru, Orihashi Yuji, Matsumoto Takuya
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 54(3) 117-127 2020年  査読有り
    <p>The extinct, relatively short-lived nuclide 182Hf produced 182W as a decay product. Fractionation of Hf-W in the very early Earth led to variations in the 182W/184W ratios of terrestrial rocks; however, because these variations are very small, quantifying 182W/184W ratios requires an extremely precise method. Here, we propose an improved method for highly precise and accurate method for measuring the 182W/184W ratios of terrestrial rocks. Samples were extracted with 4-methyl-2-pentanone and purified by cation and anion exchange chromatography prior to determination of the W isotope ratio by multiple collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) system coupled with a desolvating nebulizer. Sample preparation removed matrix elements (e.g., Hf, Ta, Os, and dimers of Nb and Mo) with masses similar to those of W isotopes, resulting in these elements having a negligible influence on the measured 182W/184W ratios. A W standard solution processed by ion exchange chromatography and/or solvent extraction showed a 183W deficiency, even after mass fractionation correction of the measured isotope data. As reported previously, mass-independent fractionation increases the 182W/184W ratio if the 183W/184W ratio is used to correct for mass fractionation to for better precision in natural samples. However, accurate 182W/184W ratios for a basalt reference material (JB-2) were obtained, even if 183W was used for mass fractionation correction. Our results show that it is also possible to correct for the effects of mass-independent fractionation on the 183W/184W ratio by sample-standard bracketing using a W standard solution subjected to the same preparation procedure used for the samples. A major advantage of the newly developed method is that it requires a smaller amount of sample (0.2–0.3 g; 50–80 ng W for JB-2) compared with that needed for other reported methods (typically 0.7–15 g; 500–1000 ng W). This decrease in sample amount was possible by removing matrix elements from the sample solutions, and cleaning the membrane of the desolvating nebulizer between analyses also contribute to enhancing the W ion beam intensity and to high precision. Analysis of different basalts from the Loihi, Kilauea islands and Ontong Java Plateau with various W isotopic compositions consistent with the previous studies demonstrated the reliability of the method.</p>
  • Hiroshi Amakawa, Yusuke Fukami, Junji Torimoto, Tatsuo Nozaki, Koichi Iijima, Akira Usui, Katsuhiko Suzuki
    Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 2018-June 81-85 2018年  査読有り
    Copyright © 2018 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) Vertical profiles of seawater neodymium (Nd) concentration and isotopic composition were determined for a location near the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The Nd isotopic composition profile is similar to the surface layer Nd isotopic composition of ferromanganese crusts collected from the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount. This confirms that Nd in the surface layer of ferromanganese crusts is supplied directly by ambient seawater.
  • Yusuke Fukami, Jun-Ichi Kimura, Katsuhiko Suzuki
    Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2018年  査読有り
  • Shotaro Takano, Masaharu Tanimizu, Takafumi Hirata, Ki-Cheol Shin, Yusuke Fukami, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshiki Sohrin
    ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 991 142-142 2017年10月  査読有り
  • Shotaro Takano, Masaharu Tanimizu, Takafumi Hirata, Ki-Cheol Shin, Yusuke Fukami, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshiki Sohrin
    ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 967 1-11 2017年5月  査読有り
    Stable isotope ratios of nickel, copper, and zinc are powerful tools for elucidating the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in the ocean. However, analytical difficulties have impeded isotopic studies of these metals. We present a simple and rapid method for simultaneous analysis of Ni, Cu, and Zn isotope ratios in seawater using NOBIAS Chelate-PA1 resin and anion exchange resin. A NOBIAS Chelate-PA1 resin column was used to quantitatively collect Ni, Cu, and Zn from seawater and thoroughly remove the seawater matrix. Subsequent anion exchange purified and separated the Ni, Cu, and Zn from each other. The blanks used in this method (0.22 ng for Ni, 0.29 ng for Cu, and 0.53 ng for Zn) were sufficiently low to determine the isotope ratios of Ni, Cu, and Zn in surface seawater. Using this method, we analyzed GEOTRACES reference seawater samples (i.e., SAFe D1 and SAFe D2), National Research Council Canada certified materials (i.e., CASS-5 and NASS-6), and seawater samples collected from different depths in the subarctic South Pacific. The results were consistent with previously reported values. This method is expected to accelerate isotopic research and contribute to our understanding of biogeochemical cycling in the ocean. (C) 2017 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • Yusuke Fukami, Minato Tobita, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Tomohiro Usui, Ryota Moriwaki
    Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32(4) 848-857 2017年4月  査読有り
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 51(1) 17-29 2017年  査読有り
    <p>We present the tellurium (Te) isotope compositions of the acid leachates and residues from three carbonaceous chondrites, namely, Allende, Murchison, and Tagish Lake. Most of the Te isotope compositions in the acid leachates and residues were indistinguishable from that of the terrestrial standard within analytical uncertainties, indicating a homogeneous distribution of Te isotopes in the solar nebula. Previous studies have reported nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies for Sr, Mo, W, and Os in the leachates and residues from the same meteorites. This suggests that the anomalous Te isotope signatures within the carbonaceous chondrites, including presolar phases, have presumably been nearly completely erased via a temperature-controlled nebular processes that acted on the relatively volatile elements before the onset of parent body formation. In contrast, the final residue of the Allende chrondrite displays a small but resolvable Te isotope anomaly. We performed mixing calculations to reproduce the observed Te isotopic pattern for the Allende final residue, which can be explained by the depletion of a theoretical r-process component. This result suggests that our Allende final residue was depleted in presolar nanodiamonds, which were enriched in the theoretical r-process component, because nanodiamonds are strongly acid resistant and can survive the leaching steps used in this study. The presolar SiC is not responsible for the observed r-process depletion. The discrepancy might instead be attributed to the existence of another presolar phase, including glassy carbon, in the final Allende residue.</p>
  • Tetsuya Yokoyama, Yusuke Fukami, Wataru Okui, Nobuaki Ito, Hiroshi Yamazaki
    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 416 46-55 2015年4月  査読有り
    Precise Sr isotopic compositions in samples from sequential acid leaching experiments have been determined for three carbonaceous chondrites, Allende, Murchison, and Tagish Lake, together with those in the bulk aliquots of these meteorites. The chondritic acid leachates and residues were characterized by Sr isotope anomalies with variable mu Sr-84 values (10(6) relative deviation from a standard material) ranging from +120 to -4700 ppm, documenting multiple nucleosynthetic sources within a single meteorite. In addition, the mu Sr-84 patterns across leaching samples for individual chondrites differed from one another. The highest mu Sr-84 values were observed for leaching Step 3 (HCl+H2O, 75 degrees C) for Allende and Murchison likely because of the incorporation of calcium and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs). In contrast, extremely low mu Sr-84 values were observed in the later fractions (Steps 6 and 7) for Murchison and Tagish Lake, suggesting the existence of s-process-enriched presolar SiC grains derived from AGB stars. A mu Sr-84-epsilon Cr-54 diagram was prepared with the CAIs and bulk aliquots of carbonaceous chondrites and other meteorites (noncarbonaceous) that were plotted separately; however, they still formed a global positive correlation. CAIs presented the highest mu Sr-84 and epsilon Cr-54 values, whereas carbonaceous chondrites and noncarbonaceous meteorites had intermediate and the lowest mu Sr-84 and epsilon Cr-54 values, respectively. The positive trend was interpreted as resulting from global thermal processing in which sublimation of high mu Sr-84 and epsilon Cr-54 carriers generated the excess mu Sr-84 and epsilon Cr-54 signatures in CAls, while noncarbonaceous planetesimals accreted from materials that underwent significant thermal processing and thus had relatively low mu Sr-84 and epsilon Cr-54 values. Apart from the global trend, the carbonaceous chondrites and noncarbonaceous meteorites both exhibited intrinsic variations that highlight an isotopic dichotomy similar to that observed in other isotope combinations (e.g., epsilon Cr-54-epsilon Ti-50, epsilon Cr-54-Delta O-17). A plausible scenario for creation of the intrinsic variations involves local thermal processing (e.g., flash heating for chondrule formation) caused by additional selective destruction of presolar grains differently than that caused by global thermal processing. The existence of such a global positive trend and local variations for two meteorite groups suggests a complicated dynamic history for the dust grains with respect to thermal processing, material transportation, and mixing in the protoplanetary disk prior to planetesimal formation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yusuke Fukami, Tetsuya Yokoyama
    We present a new method for precise isotope analysis of Te by thermal ionization mass spectrometry in negative ion mode (N-TIMS) along with an improved technique for chemical separation of Te from geochemical samples. In the chemical separation, Te was purified by a three-step column chemistry method employing an anion exchange resin and an extraction chromatographic resin, yielding 98% recovery. To achieve strong Te- beam intensity in N-TIMS, we evaluated the optimum analytical conditions with respect to the filament material, ionization activator, and filament heating protocol. The reproducibilities of Te isotope ratios obtained by static multicollection using Faraday cups were 0.9%, 0.04%, 0.06%, 0.01%, 0.005%, and 0.008% for Te-120/Te-128, Te-122/Te-128, Te-123/Te-128, Te-125/Te-128 Te-126/Te-128 and Te-130/Te-128, respectively. This result is comparable to those of previous MC-ICP-MS studies. The reproducibilities of Te isotopes obtained by SEM jumping measurements were approximately ten times worse than those obtained by Faraday cup runs, excluding the Te-120/Te-128 ratio for which the reproducibility was comparable to that obtained by Faraday cup runs due to the extremely low abundance of Te-120. To further improve the analytical precision, the Te-126/Te-128 ratio was determined by multidynamic collection for the study of Sn-126-Te-126 chronology. The 2s of the Te-126/Te-128 ratio of the multidynamic collection was 1.6 times better than that obtained by static measurements. Finally, the accuracy of our method was confirmed by the analysis of two carbonaceous chondrites and one terrestrial standard rock, which was consistent with previously reported values.


  • 深海 雄介, 有泉 涼子, 大野 剛, 伊地知 雄太, 柏原 輝彦, 鈴木 勝彦, 平田 岳史
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集 70 189 2023年  
  • 大野 剛, 平野 隼, 村上 諒, 伊地知 雄太, 深海 雄介
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集 70 128 2023年  
  • 深海 雄介, 柏原 輝彦, 天川 裕史, 渋谷 岳造, 臼井 朗, 鈴木 勝彦
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集 69 203 2022年  
    鉄マンガンクラストは海洋底に広く分布する鉄マンガン酸化物であり、海洋におけるテルル循環を理解するための重要な試料である。本研究では、北西太平洋に位置する拓洋第5海山と拓洋第3海山の2つの海山において、水深1000〜5500 m付近の水深から採取した鉄マンガンクラスト表面のテルル安定同位体組成を明らかにした。テルル濃度と同位体組成変化の相関関係を見ると、ある水深を境にして相関が逆転していることが明らかになった。濃度と同位体組成の相関関係が水深によって異なるこれらの水深プロファイルは2つの海山で同様であり、濃度・同位体組成の変化が2海山において共通のプロセスで起きていることを示唆している。一方で相関関係が変化する境となる水深は2海山で異なり、拓洋第5海山では約2000 m付近、拓洋第3海山では約3200 m付近に位置しており、酸素極小層が異なる深さに位置していることと対応している可能性がある。
  • 大野 剛, 吉田 亜実, 伊地知 雄太, 深海 雄介, 五十嵐 康人, 平田 岳史
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集 69 39 2022年  
    環境中には人為起源の放射性核種である 233U、236Uが存在する。人為起源ウランは核実験や原子力関連施設の事故などから環境中へ放出され、これらのウラン同位体比は起源物質に依存して変動するため、ウラン汚染起源の推定やウラン同位体比を用いた環境トレーサーとして利用されている。本研究では、ICP-MS/MSを用いた233U /236U迅速分析法を開発し、環境放射能研究へ応用することを目的とした。1963年に東京、仙台、福岡で採取された大気降下物を測定したところ、233U/236U は10-3レベルの値で、それぞれの地点で得られた値は誤差の範囲で一致した。これらの結果は1963年の日本において、局所的なウラン汚染の影響は少なく、グローバルフォールアウトによる地球規模でのウラン降下を反映していることが示唆される。
  • 有泉 涼子, 田中 康介, 伊地知 雄太, 深海 雄介, 大野 剛, 平田 岳史
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集 69 32 2022年  
    隕石中の様々な元素について同位体異常が報告されており、その一つの要因として核体積効果による非質量依存の同位体分別(MIF)が挙げられている。この同位体効果は原子核体積が小さい同位体ほど核電荷密度が高くなることに起因している。核電荷密度が高いと原子核内に存在確率を持つs軌道電子のクーロンポテンシャルがより低くなり安定化する。そのため、最外殻s軌道に電子が存在する価数やs軌道電子への遮蔽効果の小さい分子へ、原子核体積の小さい同位体の偏りが生じる。一方で、核体積効果が生じる条件を明確にすることは隕石中の同位体異常を理解する上で重要である。これまでの研究では、クラウンエーテルを用いたSrの溶媒抽出実験においてMIFが報告され、Sr濃度が2 M以上で顕著になることから水和の影響が議論されている。そこで本研究では、最外殻s軌道に電子をもつSn(II)に注目し、Sn濃度のMIFに与える影響を調べた。

