Faculty of International Social Sciences

天野 真悟

アマノ シンゴ  (Shingo Amano)


学習院大学 人文科学研究科 臨床心理学専攻 博士後期課程
白百合心理・社会福祉研究所 研究員
修士(臨床心理学)(2018年3月 学習院大学)







  • 天野, 真悟
    学習院大学人文科学論集 = Gakushuin University studies in humanities 30 105-134 2021年10月30日  
    The purpose of this study is to investigate University students’ views of their native place. Interviews were conducted with participant both in face to face and on the web. We thought it was difficult to position native place as a tangible thing. The acquired date was analyzed using the modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA)method.In Japan, “Furusato; native place” has been used since A・C. 710 in the “Manyoshu”, a collection of Japanese poetry, with the meaning of “another land”. It has also been confirmed in various poetry anthologies in another periods. The meaning of the word “Furusato; native place” as same as today is made after the Meiji Restoration.The term of nostalgia was originally made by the psychiatrist Hofer, J; Hofer. (1688, 1934), combining nostos(return)and alogos(pain), and was used synonymously with homesickness. In the latter half of the 20th century, in the term of Freudian psycho Analysis it was regarded as a kind of regression. In recent years, however, Davis, F.(1979)has shown that it is not just symptoms of pathology. He stated that associations with the word nostalgia include ”warmth, antique, and childhood. Kusumi, T.(2014)also mentioned that nostalgia do not always mean the same thing between Western and Japanese culture. In the 2000s, research on nostalgia progressed. Among them, Wildschut, T.(2006) investigated the property of nostalgia and found that it is related to attachment anxiety tendencies and social ties.The conception of Identity by Erikson, E. H. is popular. It focuses on the conflict between the principles of “identity vs. identity diffusion” in adolescence. He argues that it is important to commit oneself in the community and to be recognized by the community because one cannot live alone.In this study, six people cooperated in the survey; all six were female; five of the six lived with their original families, and one lived with a relative. Two of the respondents identified their native place as their current place of residence, two as other regions, and two as undetermined.As a result of the analysis, four categories and 12 concepts were generated: “felt ’native place,’” “perceived ’native place,’” “lost ’native place,’“ and ”new coronavirus epidemic.It is expected that the native place can be perceived which offer calmness, whether it exists in reality or in the mind. It is also thought to have the potential to be one of the places of initiation.In addition, loss is always experienced in the process of human growth. This experience of loss is something that happens in day to day. On the other hand, loss due to disasters might be experienced, then it would be extraordinary experience. Although psychoanalysis that Loss of familiar persons, but in this study, the loss of things is also discussed.The epidemic of new coronaviruses has been going on since 2020 to the present, and it is a topic that cannot be avoided. I think that it can be seen as a kind of disaster, and therefore, then occurred the loss of relationship with “native place”.“Looking for native place” and “Towards Independence” is important themes for the University students to think their life stages.What does it mean to have a native place and to feel nostalgia for it? One way to look at it is from the perspective of how one experiences one’s native place. It can also be seen in terms of nostalgia and loss. It is found that adolescent their own identity through psychological experience of loss of “Furusato”.The limit of this study, since the target group was third-years University student, there is a possibility that the results will differ greatly if the age group is changed.