Faculty of International Social Sciences

馬渕 一誠

マブチ イッセイ  (Issei Mabuchi)


学習院大学 理学部 生命科学科








  • F Motegi, M Mishra, MK Balasubramanian, Mabuchi, I
    JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 165(5) 685-695 2004年6月  
    Cytokinesis in many eukaryotes requires an actomyosin contractile ring. Here, we show that in fission yeast the myosin-II heavy chain Myo2 initially accumulates at the division site via its COOH-terminal 134 amino acids independently of F-actin. The COOH-terminal region can access to the division site at early G2, whereas intact Myo2 does so at early mitosis. Ser1444 in the Myo2 COOH-terminal region is a phosphorylation site that is dephosphorylated during early mitosis. Myo2 S1444A prematurely accumulates at the future division site and promotes formation of an F-actin ring even during interphase. The accumulation of Myo2 requires the anillin homologue Mid1 that functions in proper ring placement. Myo2 interacts with Mid1 in cell lysates, and this interaction is inhibited by an S1444D mutation in Myo2. Our results suggest that dephosphorylation of Myo2 liberates the COOH-terminal region from an intramolecular inhibition. Subsequently, dephosphorylated Myo2 is anchored by Mid1 at the medial cortex and promotes the ring assembly in cooperation with F-actin.
  • S Iwai, A Ishiji, Mabuchi, I, K Sutoh
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279(6) 4696-4704 2004年2月  
    Actin filaments and microtubules are two major cytoskeletal systems involved in wide cellular processes, and the organizations of their filamentous networks are regulated by a large number of associated proteins. Recently, evidence has accumulated for the functional cooperation between the two filament systems via associated proteins. However, little is known about the interactions of the kinesin superfamily proteins, a class of microtubule-based motor proteins, with actin filaments. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel kinesin-related protein named DdKin5 from Dictyostelium. DdKin5 consists of an N-terminal conserved motor domain, a central stalk region, and a C-terminal tail domain. The motor domain showed binding to microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner that is characteristic of kinesin-related proteins. We found that the C-terminal tail domain directly interacts with actin filaments and bundles them in vitro. Immunofluorescence studies showed that DdKin5 is specifically enriched at the actin-rich surface protrusions in cells. Overexpression of the DdKin5 protein affected the organization of actin filaments in cells. We propose that a kinesin-related protein, DdKin5, is a novel actin-bundling protein and a potential cross-linker of actin filaments and microtubules associated with specific actin-based structures in Dictyostelium.
  • Y Nishimura, Mabuchi, I
    CELL MOTILITY AND THE CYTOSKELETON 56(4) 207-218 2003年12月  
    We isolated a gene homologous to human cdc42 (ucdc42) from a sea urchin cDNA library. The GTPgammaS-bound UCdc42 induced actin assembly in sea urchin egg extract. Proteins that are involved in this actin assembly system were searched using UCdc42-bound agarose beads. A 180-kDa protein (p180), which showed a homology to human IQGAPs, bound to the GTPgammaS-UCdc42 beads. Immunodepletion of p180 from the sea urchin egg extract abolished this actin assembly on the UCdc42 beads. Immunofluorescent localization of p 180 was similar to that of the actin cytoskeleton in the egg cortex and it was concentrated in the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. A possible role of p180 in actin assembly is discussed.
  • S Yamashiro, T Noguchi, Mabuchi, I
    CELL MOTILITY AND THE CYTOSKELETON 55(1) 36-50 2003年5月  
    Mammalian IQGAP1 is considered to modulate organization of the actin cytoskeleton under regulation of signaling proteins Cdc42 or Rac and calmodulin [Bashour et al., 1997: J Cell Biol 137:1555-1566; Hart et al., 1996: EMBO J 15:2997-3005] and also to be involved in cadherin-based cell adhesion [Kuroda et al., 1998: Science 281:832-835]. However, its function in the cell has not been clear. In order to clarify the function of IQGAP, we investigated IQGAP in Xenopus laevis cells. We isolated two Xenopus cDNAs encoding homologues of mammalian IQGAP, XIQGAP1, and XIQGAP2, which show high homology with human IQGAP1 and IQGAP2, respectively. Immunofluorescent localization of XIQGAPs in Xenopus tissue cultured cells (XTC cells) and in developing embryos was examined. In XTC cells, XIQGAP1 was colocalized with F-actin at cell-to-cell contact sites, membrane ruffles in lamellipodia, and filopodia. During development of embryos, XIQGAP1 was concentrated in the borders of all embryonic cells. An intense staining for XIQGAP1 was found in regions undergoing active morphogenetic movements, such as the blastopore lip of gastrulae, and the neural plate, the notochord, and the somite of neurulae. These results suggest that XIQGAP1 is involved in both cell-to-cell adhesion and cell migration during Xenopus embryogenesis and in cultured cells. On the other hand, the localization of XIQGAP2 in XTC cells was distinct from that of XIQGAP1 although it was also seen in lamellipodia, filopodia, and borders between cells. In addition to these regions, strong nuclear staining was observed in both XTC cells and embryonic cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • S Yamashiro, T Noguchi, Mabuchi, I
    CELL MOTILITY AND THE CYTOSKELETON 55(1) 36-50 2003年5月  
    Mammalian IQGAP1 is considered to modulate organization of the actin cytoskeleton under regulation of signaling proteins Cdc42 or Rac and calmodulin [Bashour et al., 1997: J Cell Biol 137:1555-1566; Hart et al., 1996: EMBO J 15:2997-3005] and also to be involved in cadherin-based cell adhesion [Kuroda et al., 1998: Science 281:832-835]. However, its function in the cell has not been clear. In order to clarify the function of IQGAP, we investigated IQGAP in Xenopus laevis cells. We isolated two Xenopus cDNAs encoding homologues of mammalian IQGAP, XIQGAP1, and XIQGAP2, which show high homology with human IQGAP1 and IQGAP2, respectively. Immunofluorescent localization of XIQGAPs in Xenopus tissue cultured cells (XTC cells) and in developing embryos was examined. In XTC cells, XIQGAP1 was colocalized with F-actin at cell-to-cell contact sites, membrane ruffles in lamellipodia, and filopodia. During development of embryos, XIQGAP1 was concentrated in the borders of all embryonic cells. An intense staining for XIQGAP1 was found in regions undergoing active morphogenetic movements, such as the blastopore lip of gastrulae, and the neural plate, the notochord, and the somite of neurulae. These results suggest that XIQGAP1 is involved in both cell-to-cell adhesion and cell migration during Xenopus embryogenesis and in cultured cells. On the other hand, the localization of XIQGAP2 in XTC cells was distinct from that of XIQGAP1 although it was also seen in lamellipodia, filopodia, and borders between cells. In addition to these regions, strong nuclear staining was observed in both XTC cells and embryonic cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

