研究者検索結果一覧 村松 康行 村松 康行ムラマツ ヤスユキ (Yasuyuki Muramatsu) ダウンロードする帳票の形式を下記より選択して下さい 「教育研究等環境」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ①履歴書」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ②教育研究業績書」形式 基本情報 所属学習院大学 理学部 化学科学位理学博士J-GLOBAL ID200901018121258166researchmap会員ID0000024941 研究キーワード 8 Analytical Chemistry Environmental radioactivity Geochemistry Radioecology 分析化学 環境放射能 地球化学 放射生態学 経歴 7 1983年 - 1985年 年 IAEA 1983年 - 1985年 IAEA 1978年8月 より放射線医学総合研究所 1978年8月 - National Institute of Radiological Sciences 1977年 - 1978年 年 Gottingen大学地球化学研究所 もっとみる 学歴 4 学習院大学理学部 学習院大学(修士)、ゲッティンゲン大学(ドイツ)(博士) 学習院大学 学習院大学 受賞 2 科学技術庁長官業績表彰 Award from Minister of STA MISC 71 Nuclear-related analytical techniques: Literature retrieval from the INIS database J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Art. 133, 249-257 (1989) Simple destructive neutron activation analysis of mercury and selenium in biological materials using activated charcoal J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Art.,125,175-181(1988) Concentrations of some trace elements in hair, liver and kidney from autopsy subjects-relationship between hair and internal organs The Science of the Total Environment, 76, 29-40 (1988) Bibliography of Publications on neutron activation analysis using short-lived activation products,in Applications of Short-Lived Activation Products in Neutron Activation Analysis of Bio-Environmental Speciments IAEA/RL/141, 23-99, IAEA, Vienna (1987) ICP-MS analysis of environmental plutonium. Plutonium in the Environment, Kudo, A., Elsevier Science Ltd. Amsterdam, 63-77 (2001). Reservoir sediments - a memory of mining and industrial development (Talsperre Malter, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany). Environmental Geology, 39, 1341-1351 (2000). Determination of thorium organs from Throtrast patients by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence Radeation Research, 152, 97-101 (1999) Effects of microorganisms on the fate of iodine in the soil Environment Geomicrobiology J., 16, 85-93 (1998) Behaviour of iodine-129 in the soil-plant system Osterreichishe Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft Heft 53, 207-214 (1996) Behaviour of iodine in the atmosphere-soil-plant system. Proceedings of International Workshop on Improvement of Environmental Transfer Models and Parameters Nuclear Cross-Over Research, Tokyo, 61-71 (1996) Deposition velocity of gaseous organic iodine from the atmosphere to rice plants Health Phys., 71, 757-762 (1996) Tracer experiments on the behavior of radioiodine in the soil-plant-atmosphere system J. Radioanal.Nuclear Chemistry, Articles, 194, 303-310 (1995) Iodine desorption from paddy soil Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 82, 1-13 (1995) Trance and toxic elements in foodstuffs in Japan IAEA Publication NAHRES-23, 157-172 (1994) Radiotracer experiments on the desorption of iodine from paddy soil with and without rice plants RADIOISOTOPES, 40, 440-443 (1991) Some considerations on the sorption and desorption phenomena of iodide and iodate on soil Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 49, 125-138 (1990) Trancer experiments on the transfer of radio-iodine in the soil plants system Water,Air and Soil pollution, 45, 157-171, 1989 Nuclear-related analytical techniques : Literature retrieval from the INIS database J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Art. 133, 249-257 (1989) Simple destructive neutron activation analysis of mercury and selenium in biological materials using activated charcoal J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Art.,125,175-181(1988) Concentrations of some trace elements in hair, liver and kidney from autopsy subjects-relationship between hair and internal organs The Science of the Total Environment, 76, 29-40 (1988) Bibliography of Publications on neutron activation analysis using short-lived activation products, in Applications of Short-Lived Activation Products IAEA/RL/141, 23-99, IAEA, Vienna (1987) «12 所属学協会 10 日本放射線影響学会 日本分析化学会 日本化学会 地球化学会 国際放射生態学連合 もっとみる 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 2 1.環境中の放射性核種と微量元素の動態 2.微量元素と放射性核種の分析 3.よう素の地球化学 1.Behaivour of radionuclides and trace elements in the environments 2.Analysis of trace elements and radionuclides 3.Geochemistry of iodine
村松 康行ムラマツ ヤスユキ (Yasuyuki Muramatsu) ダウンロードする帳票の形式を下記より選択して下さい 「教育研究等環境」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ①履歴書」形式 「文科省帳票様式第4号 ②教育研究業績書」形式 基本情報 所属学習院大学 理学部 化学科学位理学博士J-GLOBAL ID200901018121258166researchmap会員ID0000024941 研究キーワード 8 Analytical Chemistry Environmental radioactivity Geochemistry Radioecology 分析化学 環境放射能 地球化学 放射生態学 経歴 7 1983年 - 1985年 年 IAEA 1983年 - 1985年 IAEA 1978年8月 より放射線医学総合研究所 1978年8月 - National Institute of Radiological Sciences 1977年 - 1978年 年 Gottingen大学地球化学研究所 もっとみる 学歴 4 学習院大学理学部 学習院大学(修士)、ゲッティンゲン大学(ドイツ)(博士) 学習院大学 学習院大学 受賞 2 科学技術庁長官業績表彰 Award from Minister of STA MISC 71 Nuclear-related analytical techniques: Literature retrieval from the INIS database J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Art. 133, 249-257 (1989) Simple destructive neutron activation analysis of mercury and selenium in biological materials using activated charcoal J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Art.,125,175-181(1988) Concentrations of some trace elements in hair, liver and kidney from autopsy subjects-relationship between hair and internal organs The Science of the Total Environment, 76, 29-40 (1988) Bibliography of Publications on neutron activation analysis using short-lived activation products,in Applications of Short-Lived Activation Products in Neutron Activation Analysis of Bio-Environmental Speciments IAEA/RL/141, 23-99, IAEA, Vienna (1987) ICP-MS analysis of environmental plutonium. Plutonium in the Environment, Kudo, A., Elsevier Science Ltd. Amsterdam, 63-77 (2001). Reservoir sediments - a memory of mining and industrial development (Talsperre Malter, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany). Environmental Geology, 39, 1341-1351 (2000). Determination of thorium organs from Throtrast patients by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and x-ray fluorescence Radeation Research, 152, 97-101 (1999) Effects of microorganisms on the fate of iodine in the soil Environment Geomicrobiology J., 16, 85-93 (1998) Behaviour of iodine-129 in the soil-plant system Osterreichishe Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft Heft 53, 207-214 (1996) Behaviour of iodine in the atmosphere-soil-plant system. Proceedings of International Workshop on Improvement of Environmental Transfer Models and Parameters Nuclear Cross-Over Research, Tokyo, 61-71 (1996) Deposition velocity of gaseous organic iodine from the atmosphere to rice plants Health Phys., 71, 757-762 (1996) Tracer experiments on the behavior of radioiodine in the soil-plant-atmosphere system J. Radioanal.Nuclear Chemistry, Articles, 194, 303-310 (1995) Iodine desorption from paddy soil Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 82, 1-13 (1995) Trance and toxic elements in foodstuffs in Japan IAEA Publication NAHRES-23, 157-172 (1994) Radiotracer experiments on the desorption of iodine from paddy soil with and without rice plants RADIOISOTOPES, 40, 440-443 (1991) Some considerations on the sorption and desorption phenomena of iodide and iodate on soil Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 49, 125-138 (1990) Trancer experiments on the transfer of radio-iodine in the soil plants system Water,Air and Soil pollution, 45, 157-171, 1989 Nuclear-related analytical techniques : Literature retrieval from the INIS database J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Art. 133, 249-257 (1989) Simple destructive neutron activation analysis of mercury and selenium in biological materials using activated charcoal J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Art.,125,175-181(1988) Concentrations of some trace elements in hair, liver and kidney from autopsy subjects-relationship between hair and internal organs The Science of the Total Environment, 76, 29-40 (1988) Bibliography of Publications on neutron activation analysis using short-lived activation products, in Applications of Short-Lived Activation Products IAEA/RL/141, 23-99, IAEA, Vienna (1987) «12 所属学協会 10 日本放射線影響学会 日本分析化学会 日本化学会 地球化学会 国際放射生態学連合 もっとみる 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 2 1.環境中の放射性核種と微量元素の動態 2.微量元素と放射性核種の分析 3.よう素の地球化学 1.Behaivour of radionuclides and trace elements in the environments 2.Analysis of trace elements and radionuclides 3.Geochemistry of iodine