Katsuto Tanaka
State Space and Unobserved Component Models: Theory and Applications, 75-91, Jan 1, 2004
Abstract This paper discusses the estimation problems associated with signal plus noise models, where the signal is assumed to follow a stationary or nonstationary long-memory process, whereas the noise is assumed to be an independent process. Moreover, the signal and noise are independent of each other. We take up various frequency domain and wavelet-based estimators, and examine finite sample properties of these estimators. It is found that frequency domain estimators perform better for stationary cases, whereas they tend to become worse for nonstationary cases. To overcome this deficiency we consider frequency domain estimators based on differenced series. It is also found that wavelet-based estimators perform well for both stationary and nonstationary cases. Introduction Let us consider the model where only yt is observable, xt is a stochastic signal and ut is noise or a measurement error. We assume that xt and ut are independent of each other. Moreover, ut is assumed to be normally independent and identically distributed with the mean 0 and variance ρσ2, which is abbreviated as NID(0, ρσ2) hereafter, where ρ is a nonnegative constant while σ2 is a positive constant that is the variance of the innovation driving the signal xt. The signal process xt is assumed to be of the form: where εt follows NID(0, σ2), whereas the differencing parameter d is assumed to take any positive value, which yields a long-memory stationary or nonstationary process. The model (4.2) is often referred to as the ARFIMA(0, d, 0) model.