川嶋 辰彦
學習院大學經濟論集 23(1) 157-183 1986年10月
This study examines the pattem of intra.metropolitan spatial redistribution of(1)pOpulation by pla㏄ of residen㏄and(2)employed persons by pla㏄of work. An important con㏄ptual framework and ana- Iytical means, the 8patial cycle hypothe3is aロd the ROXY i ldex method arc directly applied in th丞study. The results indicate(1)that, geqgraphically 8peak三ng, the Tokyo metropOlitan area has been 8ubwban三z. ing clockwise in terms of the development of both Iabour and job market8, and(2)that,三n the thr㏄ major ra三lway・line regions in Tokyo metropolitan area, people scem to generally follow job opPortunit...