Faculty of International Social Sciences

井田 大輔

イダ ダイスケ  (Daisuke Ida)


学習院大学 理学部 物理学科




  • Y Morisawa, D Ida
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 69(12) 2004年6月  
    We study the boundary value problem for stationary rotating black hole solutions to the five-dimensional vacuum Einstein equation. Assuming the existence of two additional commuting rotational Killing vector fields and sphericity of the horizon topology, we show that a black hole with a regular event horizon is uniquely characterized by its mass and a pair of angular momenta.
  • D Ida, KY Oda, SC Park
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D 67(6) 2003年3月  
    We study theoretical aspects of rotating black hole production and evaporation in extra dimension scenarios with TeV scale gravity, within the mass range in which the higher dimensional Kerr solution provides a good description. We evaluate the production cross section of black holes, taking their angular momenta into account. We find that it becomes larger than the Schwarzschild radius squared, which is conventionally utilized in the literature, and our result nicely agrees with the recent numerical study by Yoshino and Nambu within a few percent error for the higher dimensional case. In the same approximation used to obtain the above result, we find that the production cross section becomes larger for a black hole with larger angular momentum. Second, we derive the generalized Teukolsky equation for spin 0, 1/2, and 1 brane fields in higher dimensional Kerr geometry and explicitly show that it is separable in any dimensions. For a five-dimensional (Randall-Sundrum) black hole, we obtain analytic formulas for the greybody factors in the low frequency expansion and we present the power spectra of the Hawking radiation as well as their angular dependence. The phenomenological implications of our results are briefly sketched.
  • Physical Review Letters 89, 041101 2002年  
  • Physical Review Letters 85, 3758 2000年  
  • The Journal of High Energy Physics 0009(014) 2000年  

