
白田 由香利

シロタ ユカリ  (Yukari Shirota)


学習院大学 経済学部 経営学科 経済学部 経営学科 教授






  • Yukari Shirota, Sakurako Suzuki
    Gakushuin Economics Papers Vol.50(No. 3) 4 2014年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota
    Prof. of JADH2013 (Japanese Association for Digital Humanities) 31 – 32 2013年  
  • 白田 由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.49(No.4) 251-260 2013年  
  • 白田 由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.50(No.1) 31-42 2013年  
  • Pamela Stanworth, Yukari Shirota
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.50(No.1) 1-18 2013年  
    Web:How2SolveIt is a website provided for Gakushuin University to help students understand maths concepts,mainly in the areas of Economics and Business.The site offers a practical collection of quality study material,with useful videos.\ The site has been evaluated by "walking through" the student interface,applying some typical user cases,which are typical usage stories of student users.We recommend a few changes to the site,which would help students to find what they need easily, making it more attractive for students and for academics who contribute their materials.For example,the Home Page should give more useful context information and a text-entry search box should always be visible,with which students can navigate the collection of teaching resources.\ An attractive feature of the site is the hand-written question sheets,which explain or amplify important teaching points.Some changes to the presentation of the sheets and the videos would make them easier for students to follow.\ A usability study,where a small number of volunteers from the target demographic are observed while carrying out typical tasks,would quickly and cheaply give valuable insight into the way that real users respond to the site.\ Directions for possible future development of the site include:\ Adding further explanations,videos,notes and formulae to cover further topics in Business Maths\ Adding further content from other lecturers\ Offering the site to other students outside the Economics Faculty\ Offering the site to High School Students\ Developing a bi-lingual version of the site for teaching through the medium of English as well as Japanese\ These future directions would involve varying degrees of additional effort and investment.
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子, 佐倉環
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 Vol.31 1-13 2013年  
  • 白田 由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.50(No.3) 1-13 2013年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yukari Shirota
    Once a disaster occurs, people discuss various topics in social media such as electronic bulletin boards, SNSs and video services, and their decision-making tends to be affected by discussions in social media. Under the circumstance, a mechanism to detect topics in social media has become important. This paper targets the East Japan Great Earthquake, and proposes a time series topic detection method based on modularity measure which shows the quality of a division of a network into modules or communities. Our proposed method clarifies emerging topics from social media messages by computing the modularity and analyzing them over time, and visualizes topic structures. An experimental result by actual social media data about the East Japan Great Earthquake is also shown.
  • Takako Hashimoto, Basabi Chakraborty, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of EJC2013 (23nd European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases) 214-226 2013年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Pamela Stanworth
    Proc. of the DNIS (Databases in Networked Information Systems) 2013, LNCS 7813, Springer, Heidelberg 117-131 2013年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Takami Sakura
    2013 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC 2013 67-72 2013年  
    In many companies of the province of Tohoku (North-East Japan), stock prices were declining just after the East-Japan earthquake. However, on the other hand, some companies' stock prices rose in Tohoku. We have analyzed the reasons using text mining technologies on web data. In our studies, a combination of a stock price analysis and the text mining of the company can weave unexpected facts like a word associative game. First we surveyed stock prices of all listed companies that were headquartered in the damaged three prefectures in Tohoku. Then, we found the remarkable growth of YAMAYA which was an alcohol wholesaler and retailer company. The headquarters are located in Sendai-city, the capital and biggest city of Miyagi prefecture. On the other hand, we found YAMAZAWA's growth which was the same kind of an alcohol retailer company as YAMAYA. Although stock prices of almost all super markets in Tohoku intensely grew just after the disaster, the growth of YAMAYA and YAMAZAWA was distinguished. Therefore we conducted text mining to seek the reason of the company's stock price increase. As a result, we thought the alcohol consumption in Sendai-city caused the rapid stock price rises. In addition, from the comparison, we found that the recovery of YAMAZAWA's was quicker than that of YAMAYA's. We think that the reason for the YAMAYA's delay is that the earthquake damage in Sendai-city was larger than that in Yamagata. YAMAWA is headquartered in Sendai-city and YAMAZAWA is headquartered in Yamagata prefecture. The difference about locations would make the delay in the stock price recoveries. From the analysis, we inferred that an increase of alcohol consumption was one of the triggers for the economic reconstruction in Sendai-city. The paper discusses the economic reconstruction processes through increases of stock prices in the Tohoku province. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Takako Hashimoto, Supavadee Aramvith, Teeranoot Chauksuvanit, Yukari Shirota
    13th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies: Communication and Information Technology for New Life Style Beyond the Cloud, ISCIT 2013 781-786 2013年  
    After the East Japan Great Earthquake occurred in Japan on 11th March 2011, many messages related to the earthquake were posted to social media. Especially, in Asian countries, a lot of messages about the earthquake were posted, so that different topics such as concerning about damages by the earthquake, afflicted people were observed, etc. observed. These topics can be recognized as reactions to the earthquake. Therefore, exploring topics related to the earthquake on social media in Asian countries gains a rich insight into the Asian social context. The goal of our research is to analyze Asian people reactions to the East Japan Great Earthquake on social media using data mining technique. As the first step, this paper targets Thai language and conducts the preliminary approximation to investigate topics on Thai social media. We analyze how Thai people reacted to the earthquake and compare with reactions in Japan. © 2013 IEEE.
  • T. Hashimoto, B. Chakraborty, Y. Shirota
    International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 7(1) 65-72 2012年3月  
    Social media, which enable people to easily communicate and effectively share the information through the web, are rapidly spreading recently. In such media, effective topic extraction technique from messages has been significant so that trend topics and their reputation can be recognised. However, since messages contain redundancy and topic boundaries are ambiguous, it is difficult to extract appropriate topics. As the first step for topic extraction, this paper proposes an effective measure to automatic determination of appropriate number of topics based on the intra-cluster distance and the inter-cluster distance among topic clusters. We present our experimental results to show the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Tetsuji Kuboyama
    This paper presents a concept model for solving bond mathematics problems; it is the manner in which our knowledge concerning bond mathematics is organized into a cognitive architecture. We build a concept model for bond mathematics to achieve good organization and to integrate the knowledge for bond mathematics. The ultimate goal is to enable many students to understand the solution process without difficulty. Our concept model comprises entity-relationship diagrams, and using our concept models, students can integrate financial theories and mathematical formulas. This paper illustrates concept models for bond mathematics by showing concrete examples of word mathematics problems. It also describes our principles in developing the concept model and the descriptive power of our model.
  • Takako Hashimoto, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yukari Shirota
    This paper proposes a method to discover consumer behavior from buzz marketing sites. For example, in 2009, the super-flu virus spawned significant effects on various product marketing domains around the globe. Using text mining technology, we found a relationship between the flu pandemic and the reluctance of consumers to buy digital single-lens reflex camera. We could easily expect more air purifiers to be sold due to flu pandemic. However, the reluctance to buy digital single-lens reflex cameras because of the flu is not something we would have expected. This paper applies text mining techniques to analyze expected and unexpected consumer behavior caused by a current topic like the flu. The unforeseen relationship between a current topic and products is modeled and visualized using a directed graph that shows implicit knowledge. Consumer behavior is further analyzed based on the time series variation of directed graph structures.
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.47(No.4) 303-311 2012年  
  • 橋本隆子, 久保山哲二, 白田由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.47(No.4) 263-280 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利
    Proc. of 22nd European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Prague, Czech Republic 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利
    第3回ソーシャルコンピューティングシンポジウム,日本データベース学会,Soc2012論文集 55-60 2012年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto, Tamaki Sakura
    Proc. of 3rd Social Computing Symposium (Soc2012), Database Society of Japan, Tokyo 106-114 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.49(No.2) 85-98 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子, 佐倉環
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,データ工学,名古屋 112(172) 47-52 2012年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto
    When the student is not able to solve a given problem, a plausible deductive reasoning process should be offered to him/her. Our final goal is a development of an e-Learning system which could help students not too much and not too little so that they can acquire as much deductive experience of independent work as possible. In the paper, we illustrate a solution plan graph which is a plausible deductive reasoning material with a concrete word problem. Our guiding principle for conducting the deduction is the thinking method of "working backwards" from the unknown. The paper also illustrates the details of the working backwards method.
  • Takako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of 2nd Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE2012), IEEE, Jakarta 1-4 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子, 佐倉環
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.49(No.3) 187-196 2012年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Tesuji Kuboyama, Basabi Chakraborty, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of the IEEE TENCON 2012, paper 1569633899 2012年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto
    GEM Bulletin, No. 26, Gakushuin Univ. Research Institute for Economics and Management 13-22 2012年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto
    Journal of Japan Society of Business Mathematics Vol. 33(No. 1/2) 57-69 2012年  
  • 橋本隆子, 白田由香利
    日本経営数学会誌 Vol. 33(No. 1/2) 43-56 2012年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Basabi Chakraborty, Yukari Shirota
    International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol. 7(No.1) 65 – 72 2012年  
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子, 久保山哲二
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.47(No.4) 263-280 2011年  
    金融工学数学のためのグラフィクス教材のデータベースのWEB サイトを立ち上げたので報告する。金融工学数学は難しいと言われるが,数学を理解させるために,グラフィクスの利用は有効であり,その利用により学生の理解度を高めることが可能である。我々は,大学および高校の数学授業において,グラフィクス教材をもっと多く活用してもらうためにこのサイトを開いた。そのため,数式処理ソフトウェアとしては,国内でも普及しているフリーソフトであるMAXIMA(マキシマ)を使った。本稿の目的は,グラフィクス教材作成に際して,ユーザー自身が,パラメータ値を自由に変更でき,ユーザー独自の金融工学数学グラフィクス教材を作成できるようにすることである。教材の内容としては,グラフィクスが効果的に生かせるテーマをとして,ポートフォリオの効率的フロンティア及びイミュニゼーションのテイラー展開描画,住宅ローン,年金の増加関数と減少関数の描画,債券価格の3次元的描画などを選んだ。本稿では,我々が研究中である,債券数学の学習支援システム構想にもふれ,このグラフィクス教材データベースが,その一部であることを説明する。
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子, 久保山哲二
    第3回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2011),電子情報通信学会データ工学研究専門委員会,修善寺, C3-6 2011年  
  • Paul Trafford, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of an annual meeting of Japan Society of Business Mathematics, Tokyo 2011年  
  • Paul Trafford, Yukari Shirota
    Gakushuin Economics Papers Vol.48(No. 2) 111-128 2011年  
  • Paul Trafford, Yukari Shirota
    Gakushuin Economics Papers Vol.48(No. 3) 1-8 2011年  
  • 白田 由香利
    雑誌「算数・数学の授業」数学教育実践研究会 82-87 2011年  
  • Tetsuji Kuboyama, Takako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota
    A. Konig et al. (Eds.), KES 2011(15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems), Part II, LNAI 6882, Springer, Heidelberg 73--83 2011年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of the DNIS 2011, LNCS 7108, Springer, Heidelberg 147-161 2011年  
  • Takako Hashimoto, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yukari Shirota
    Proc. of IEEE TENCON2011, Indonesia 331-333 2011年  
  • 白田 由香利
    日本経営数学会誌 Vol. 32(No. 1/2) 61-70 2011年  
  • 白田 由香利
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.46(No.3・4) 31-41 2010年  
    筆者の経営数学の講義では,学生に推論エンジンをシミュレーションさせる教授法「推論エンジンシミュレーション法(Inference Engine Simulating Method)」を行っている。本方法においては、学生にまず2 種類のルール・データベースを頭の中に構築してもらう。ひとつは数学公式をルールとする,数学ルール・データベースである。もうひとつは,経済・経営に関するルール・データベースであり,経済・経営に関するセオリーがルールとして蓄積されている。経営に関する文章題が与えられた場合,推論エンジンシミュレーション法では,第一に,文中の重要キーワードを探し,そのキーワードを使って,2 種類のルール・データベースを検索し,関連するルールを収集する。そして,そのルールの集合に対して,演繹推論を行い,文章題で与えられたデータと,未知数との間の関係を求めていく。本稿では,筆者の経営数学1 の講義においてこの推論エンジンシミュレーション法を用いた結果,学生の学習効果がどれほど向上したかをアンケートにより調査する。In my business mathematics class, I conduct my original heuristics titled "Inference Engine Simulating Method" so that students can solve mathematics problems by simulating the inference engine system. In the method, the students in advance have to construct two kinds of rule databases in their heads; one is a mathematics rule database where mathematics formulas are stored and another is an economics rule database where economics theories are stored. Given a mathematics word problem, the students will firstly find the most important keyword among the words. Then with the keyword, they will retrieve the rule databases to collect the related rules. Secondly, the students conduct the deductive reasoning on the rules to find the relationship between the given data in the problem words and the unknown. In my business mathematics lectures, I have used this Inference Engine Based Instruction Method. To analyze the effects of this method, I conducted the questionnaires in my class. The results will be shown in the paper.
  • Takako Hashimoto, Yukari Shirota
    DNIS2010 , March, 2010 244-255 2010年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto
    Proc. of an annual meeting of Japan Society of Business Mathematics, Osaka 69-74 2010年  
  • Yukari Shirota, Takako Hashimoto
    Proc. of an annual meeting of Japan Society of Business Mathematics, Osaka 63-68 2010年  
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.47(No.2) 61-81 2010年  
  • 白田 由香利
    日本経営数学会誌 Vol.30(No.2) 149-150 2010年  
  • 白田 由香利, 橋本隆子
    学習院大学経済論集 Vol.47(No.2) 83-94 2010年  





