Curriculum Vitaes

Akira Suehiro

  (末廣 昭)

Profile Information

Faculty of international Social Sciences Department of international Social Sciences, Gakushuin University
(BLANK)(The University of Tokyo)
(BLANK)(The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID

鳥取県生まれ。特殊法人アジア経済研究所、大阪市立大学経済研究所をへて、1992年4月から東京大学社会科学研究所。2009年から2012年まで社会科学研究所所長。2016年3月退職。同年4月より新設の学習院大学国際社会科学部教授・学部長。東京大学名誉教授。アジア政経学会理事長、日本タイ学会会長を歴任。2018年現在、公益財団法人トヨタ財団理事、同国際助成プログラム選考委員長(2019年3月退任)、大平正芳記念財団運営委員会委員長、樫山純三賞選考委員会委員ほか。タイ研究、アジア経済研究などで、発展途上国研究奨励賞(1985年)、日経経済図書文化賞(1990年)、大平正芳記念賞(1990年)、毎日新聞社アジア太平洋賞大賞(2001年)、大同生命地域研究奨励賞(2005年)、樫山純三賞(2007年)を受賞。2010年4月、紫綬褒章(タイを中心とする東南アジア研究)を受章。2018年9月、福岡アジア文化賞学術研究賞(経済学・地域研究[タイ])を受賞。主な著書に、Catch-up Industrialization:The Trajectory and Prospects of East Asian Economies (2008), 『タイ:中進国の模索』(岩波新書、2009年)、『新興アジア経済論:キャッチアップを超えて』(岩波書店、2014年)、『変容するアジアの、いま:新しいアジア経済社会論』(弦書房、2016年)、『東アジアの社会大変動:人口センサスが語る世界』(共編著、名古屋大学出版会、2017年)、『中国・新興国ネクサス:新たな世界経済循環』(共編著、東京大学出版会、2018年)、Emerging States at Crossroads (共著、Springer, 2018)など多数。


  • Natenapha Wailerdsak Yabushita, Akira Suehiro
    ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 31(4) 997-1018, Dec, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    Using insights drawn from business history and business group literature, we develop a model to analyze how family business groups in late industrializing countries cope with management resource limitations that plague them in their pursuit of growth and diversification. A field study was conducted analyzing 215 family business groups in Thailand. Results suggest that family business groups will survive, and even prosper, if they are able to adapt their strategies and modernize their management styles to overcome three management resource limitations (or "management critical points")-fund raising, production technology, and human resources. There is a detailed discussion of the different strategies that help to extend these upper limits or management critical points. We then divide family business groups into four types, which are based on their diversification and management strategies. We argue that their performances vary and that the modernized single business type and the modernized conglomerate type will be the future forms of family business groups, which will ensure that they remain competitive in the new global economy. Using our model, we conclude that family business groups in Thailand are still disinclined to make the transition to managerial enterprises, according to the conventional Anglo-Saxon model.
  • SUEHIRO Akira
    Southeast Asian Studies, Vol.3(No.2) 299-344, Aug, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • Natenapha Wailerdsak, Akira Suehiro
    The Oxford Handbook of Business Groups, 237-266, Sep 2, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    This article aims to examine the development of business groups in Thailand. It considers business groups, not just as a response to market failure or institutional voids in emerging markets, but as vehicles for economic catch-up with more industrialized nations. This article briefly describes the development of business, with an emphasis on family-run groups, and their survival despite changes in economic and political environments until the 2000s. It then sketches the structure of ownership and management of family business groups. It also examines the business diversification and internationalization strategies of major business groups before and after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. It also looks at the impacts of the crisis, and at corporate governance reform, focusing on the banking sector and listed companies. Finally, this article concludes by looking at the competitive capabilities of leading Thai business groups, and considers their future challenges.
  • Natenapha Wailerdsak, Akira Suehiro
    International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(1) 196-218, Feb, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    This paper examines the promotion systems and career development of managers of Siam Cement Public Company Limited, the largest manufacturing conglomerate in Thailand. Since the 1980s, the company has grown into a full-blown conglomerate and is widely considered to be Thailand's most modernized corporation. In the aftermath of the 1997-8 Asian crisis, the meltdown forced the company and other debt-addicted business groups to streamline their debts and organization structures drastically. However, just five years later, the company had bounced back into profitability and first-class corporate governance, and stands firmly in the front rank. Undoubtedly, the company's successful recovery and its current strengths have been driven by the capability and dedication of its managers. This paper focuses on interviews with the company's personnel managers during 1999-2001, and on the personnel profiles of 128 managers (general manager level), in order to examine Siam Cement's human resource management policies and practices, and to draw from this its overall strategies for the development of managerial careers. The main finding was that well-planned recruitment, competitive promotion, concrete performance appraisal and wide-ranging training and development programmes, including job rotation and sending managers to study abroad, are all essential career development strategies. © 2004 Taylor and Francis Ltd.



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