
大澤 顯浩

オオサワ アキヒロ  (Akihiro Osawa)


学習院大学 外国語教育研究センター 学習院大学 外国語教育研究センター 教授




  • OSAWA Akihiro
    Old Maps in Asia: Basic Information and Perspective for New Research, <Takahashi Kimiaki and Ōsawa Akihiro, eds.> Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 2023 101-121 2023年12月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • OSAWA Akihiro
    Old Maps in Asia: Basic Information and Perspective for New Research, <Takahashi Kimiaki and Ōsawa Akihiro, eds.>, Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 2023, 203-234 2023年12月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 大澤顯浩
    言語・文化・社会 (21) 139-169 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 大澤 顯浩
    『東アジア書誌学への招待』 第1巻 297-323 2011年  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    『東アジア書誌学への招待』 第1巻 3-61 2011年  
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    言語 文化 社会 (8) 23-54 2010年3月31日  
    application/pdf 明代後期羅洪先『廣輿圖』的出版對地理學著作起了很大的作用,不過,與作為方格圖的『廣輿圖』有著明顯明不同的山水圖方式的地圖也陸續得以製作。這個事實表示了山水圖方式的地圖有其重要的意義。明末由地方衙門編寫的地圖冊有彩色山水圖方式的地圖和圖說,可是現在存世很少。本稿介紹兩種地方衙門編寫的地圖冊『南京府縣地圖冊』和『江西輿地圖說』,而且將提及明代末期的地理知識的普及和它的可能性。『南京府縣地圖冊』是屬於南直隸的揚州府・淮安府・徐州・鳳陽府・滁州・和州所屬府縣的地圖和圖說,其收藏於鎮江博物館。再者,以江西省全體為對象的『江西輿地圖說』收藏於北京的中國國家圖書館。這些地圖冊都附有彩色山水圖方式的地圖和圖說。『紀錄彙編』也收錄了趙秉忠的同名地理書『江西輿地圖說』,與中國國家圖書館所蔵的『江西輿地圖說』圖說對照,兩者內容大約同一。『紀錄彙編』還錄有跟『江西輿地圖說』同樣內容的王世懋『饒南九三府圖說』。根據他的跋文,可以知道巡按御史使的編寫情形。可以說這些地圖冊都是由地方衙門編寫的。明代末期陸續出版包含官方的地理知識的地理書,成為了出現各種各樣的地理編著的一個原因,使得接受地理知識的階層底邊擴大。而且有些明末製作的地理書也介紹了耶穌會宣教師導入的新知識。明代末期,地理知識跟著商業出版發展普及,當時社會有接受新知識的契機,可是終究沒能落實結果。
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    言語 文化 社会 (4) 103-116 2006年3月31日  
    application/pdf Shiwu Sαη切勿g is an elementary textbook published at the end of the Qing Period. There are two editions of Shiwu Sαngijin9. One is the edition that Zhang Zhigong張志公introduced in his book, published in 1902by the School of Jiang Clan江氏家塾.The other is the edition in the collection of the Swedish Royal Library in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities of Stockholm, which was compiled by an unknown author in 1903.According to the edition of the latter, it explained the damage of anti-Christian movement and the history of late Qing Politics, introducing Westernization movement洋務運動with easy words. It seems that Shiwu Sαngijing was a pamphlet on the reformative politics lead by the Manchurian- Qing government after the Boxer uprising. In short Shiwu Sαngijing encouraged children to introduce modern technology and develop commerce in order to enrich the nation and build up its defenses.
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    東洋文化研究 (7) 27-65 2005年3月31日  
    application/pdf In historical materials common people, excepting the literati, were often described as uneducated or uncultured. But it can be observed that many people, including merchants and farmers, learned elementary textbooks by heart in private schools, sometime even SiShu 四書The Four Boohs. Especially in the cities of those times, the learning of SiShu was widespread beyond expectation. In pre-modern China there was a certain assumption of the primary education that the most essential thing was to memorize the texts of SiShu. However, the pre-modern primary education consisted of two courses. One was the first step that led to passing Keju科挙, the imperial examination to become a bureaucrat. The other had the purpose of helping students attain primary literacy。 The textbooks of the two courses were not the same. The children of commoners started their study by reading elementary textbooks, and they read SiShu, or R功g粥配日記故事etc, until the age of 140r 15. On the other hand, children of the literati skipped some kinds of” elementary textbooks, and they studied how to make poems and other Chinese classics further and deeper. The difference of knowledge that was made from the two types of textbooks for literati and the populace is the reason for・the cultural attitude in late imperial China.
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    東洋文化研究 (7) 561-569 2005年3月31日  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    東洋文化研究 = Journal of Asian cultures (7) 561-569 2005年3月  
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    言語 文化 社会 (2) 161-193 2004年3月31日  
    application/pdf The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities has a collection of Chinese old books. Originally it derives from the collection of the Swedish royal family from in the 18th century. But until now, it has been left almost unknown. In this collection there are some books of art and natural history which are bound in leather. Then here are about one hundred books classified with category signs from A to K. These are the old Chinese books from before the 1870s, stitched with string. Most of them are printed by woodblock. Furthermore there are about ninety books, which are given the category sign M. Most of them concern Christianity and primary education, printed by typography. About fifty books are given the sign“Litt.Kines”.Many of these are books of the period of the Republic of China, and some are extracts of European Chinese studies. This collection has a few Ming明editions, but most of the Chinese old books are late Qing清editions, especially the books of the 19th century. ln this collection the proportion of popular publications to the whole is comparatively great. Especially, two books of embroidery designs compiled for women are worthy of note, as these are very rare examples of this kind. Many of the books were printed in Guangzhou廣/’i’l or Foshan佛山 and exported from Guangzhou or Hong Kong香港.It is probable that foreign merchants bought books that were easy to get, in other words, it is recognized that this collection reflects conditions in the ordinary bookstores of Guangdong廣東province.
  • OSAWA, Akihiro, 大澤, 顯浩
    大手前女子大学論集 32 137-170 1998年2月20日  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    史林 77(3) 444-468 1994年5月1日  
    個人情報保護のため削除部分あり 英文タイトルは訂正済み(77巻5号p.805による)


  • 大澤顯浩
    東洋文庫欧文紀要 / Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 74 61-100 2016年  
  • 大澤, 顯浩
    言語 文化 社会 8(8) 23-54 2010年3月31日  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    東洋文化研究(学習院大学東洋文化研究所) (7) 27-65 2005年  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    明代研究通訊(中国明代研究学会) 第5期 11-33 2002年  
  • 大澤 顯浩
    東洋史研究 60(1) 104-140 2001年6月30日  





