Faculty of International Social Sciences

Tohru Koma

  (高麗 徹)

Profile Information

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science Department of Physics, Gakushuin University

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  • Mahito Kohmoto, Tohru Koma, Shu Nakamura
    ANNALES HENRI POINCARE, 14(5) 1413-1424, Jul, 2013  
    We study the relationship between the spectral shift function and the excess charge in potential scattering theory. Although these quantities are closely related to each other, they have been often formulated in different settings so far. Here, we first give an alternative construction of the spectral shift function, and then we prove that the spectral shift function thus constructed yields the Friedel sum rule.
  • M. Takahashi, H. Katsura, M. Kohmoto, T. Koma
    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 14 113012(16pp), Nov, 2012  
    We study stationary states for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on Fibonacci lattices, which are expected to be realized by Bose-Einstein condensates loaded into an optical lattice. When the model does not have a nonlinear term, the wavefunctions and the spectrum are known to show fractal structures. Such wavefunctions are termed critical. We present a phase diagram of the energy spectrum for varying the nonlinearity. It consists of three portions: a forbidden region, the spectrum of critical states and the spectrum of stationary solitons. We show that the energy spectrum of critical states remains intact, irrespective of the nonlinearity in the large number of stationary solitons.
  • Tohru Koma
    We study the topology of frustration in d-dimensional Ising spin glasses with d >= 2 with nearest-neighbor interactions. We prove the following. For any given spin configuration, the domain walls on the unfrustration network are all transverse to a frustrated loop on the unfrustration network, where a domain wall is defined to be a connected element of the collection of all the (d - 1)-cells which are dual to the bonds having an unfavorable energy, and the unfrustration network is the collection of all the unfrustrated plaquettes. These domain walls are topologically nontrivial because they are all related to the global frustration of a loop on the unfrustration network. Taking account of the thermal stability for the domain walls, we can explain the numerical results that three-or higher-dimensional systems exhibit a spin glass phase, whereas two-dimensional ones do not. Namely, in two dimensions, the thermal fluctuations of the topologically nontrivial domain walls destroy the order of the frozen spins on the unfrustration network, whereas they do not in three or higher dimensions. This may be interpreted as a global topological effect of the frustrations.
  • Tohru Koma
    PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 82(3) 034509(13pp), Aug, 2010  
    We study lattice SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with dimension d >= 4. The model can be expressed as a (d - 1)-dimensional O(4) nonlinear sigma model in a d-dimensional heat bath. As is well known, the nonlinear sigma model alone shows a phase transition. If the quark confinement is a consequence of the absence of a phase transition for the Yang-Mills theory, then the fluctuations of the heat bath must destroy the long-range order of the nonlinear sigma model. In order to clarify whether this is true, we replace the fluctuations of the heat bath with Gaussian random variables, and obtain a Langevin equation which yields the effective action of the nonlinear sigma model by analyzing the Fokker-Planck equation. It turns out that the fluctuations indeed destroy the long-range order of the nonlinear sigma model within a mean-field approximation estimating a critical point, whereas for the corresponding U(1) gauge theory, the phase transition to the massless phase remains against the fluctuations.
  • Tohru Koma
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 48(2) 023303(14 pages), Feb, 2007  
    We consider many-body systems with a global U(1) symmetry on a class of lattices with the (fractal) dimension D < 2 and their zero temperature correlations whose observables behave as a vector under the U(1) rotation. For a wide class of the models, we prove that if there exists a spectral gap above the ground state, then the correlation functions have a stretched exponentially decaying upper bound. This is an extension of the McBryan-Spencer method at finite temperatures to zero temperature. The class includes quantum spin and electron models on the lattices, and our method also allows finite or infinite (quasi)degeneracy of the ground state. The resulting bounds rule out the possibility of the corresponding magnetic and electric long-range orders. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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