Sato Yoichi, Nakatake Maiko, Satake Yukinobu, Hug Joe
KLA Journal, 2 1-14, Jul, 2015 Peer-reviewed
In this forum paper, four authors discuss issues regarding the changing roles of foreign language teaching/learning, particularly in the context of globalization in Japan. The authors of this forum paper are four panelists who contributed to the International Student Colloquium, held at the University of Tokyo on November 16th and 17th, 2013. Each author will explain their Ph.D. research project then discuss some related issues, with special reference to teaching practice of second/foreign languages implemented in their respective contexts.本稿では、4 人の筆者が日本のグローバル化時代における外国語教育・学習に求められる役割の変化について論じる。本稿の筆者は、2013 年、東京大学において開催されたInternational Student Colloquium のパネリストである。各筆者の博士論文研究にについて論じた後、それぞれの教育現場において実施されている外国語教育についてそれぞれの観点を論じていく。A Forum Paper"This forum paper was developed out of a joint panel presentation that the authors conducted at the International Student Colloquium in the University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus), Tokyo, Japan, on November 16th and 17th, 2013. It includes both the verbatim version of their lecture and the guided discussion."