
柏木 昌成

カシワギ マサノリ  (Masanori Kashiwagi)


学習院大学 国際社会科学部 教授
Ph.D. Economics(University of California, Los Angeles)



  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    Bulletin of Economic Research Vol. 70 pp. 423-442 2018年  査読有り
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY 42 23-31 2017年6月  査読有り
    This paper addresses the welfare consequences for a country issuing vehicle currency, in a standard two country dynamic general equilibrium model with price stickiness. Deriving optimal monetary policy rules and evaluating welfare under various assumptions regarding currencies for invoicing exports, this paper obtains analytical conditions under which use of vehicle currency in pricing exports actually benefits the vehicle currency country compared with a situation in which each country prices its exports in its own currency. Moreover, this paper numerically illustrates that there is a fairly broad parametrical range that leads to a case in which use of vehicle currency is preferred not only by the vehicle currency country, but also by the non-vehicle currency country. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Jau-er Chen, Masanori Kashiwagi
    EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS 52(1) 357-371 2017年2月  査読有り
    This paper conducts quantile regressions and obtains detailed estimates of monetary policy rules in Japan using a sample that includes recent periods of zero interest rates. Taking into account censoring and endogeneity, we compute censored quantile instrumental variable estimators and compare them with estimates from uncensored quantile regressions. The estimation results indicate that not accounting for censoring of interest rates tends to result in downwardly biased estimates. Moreover, our censored quantile regressions lead to relatively flat coefficients of inflation and insignificant coefficients of the output gap over the conditional interest rate distribution, suggesting that monetary policy in Japan may be well described by a linear rule.
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW 20(4) 588-607 2015年10月  査読有り
    This paper examines the quantitative performance of the standard search and matching model in explaining the cyclical behaviour of Taiwan's labour market. Although the model accounts well for the data in some dimensions, simulated volatility is counterfactually very low, as pointed out in Shimer (2005) for the US labour market. Nevertheless, calibrated to Taiwan's data, the model explains a higher proportion of the observed volatility than the Shimer (2005) results, due to a higher parameter value for leisure; if an extremely high value is assumed, the model explains substantially better, but still partially, the volatility in Taiwan.
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECONOMICS 26 33-47 2014年12月  査読有り
    This paper presents a simple model of the rental and homeownership markets in a unified framework. The paper then investigates the model's positive and normative properties, applying ideas developed in search and matching theory. I analytically address the comparative static and welfare implications of the model. In addition, as an extension toward realism, I consider a version of the model with free entry of housing supply, while the benchmark model assumes exogenous housing supply. To examine the benchmark model's dynamics, I generate the impulse responses of house prices, rents, and housing occupancy patterns to an increase in housing supply and show that house prices react more than rents in the short run. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS 17(4) 654-676 2014年10月  査読有り
    This paper provides a rational expectations equilibrium framework to organize the following observations about the U.S. housing market from 1975 to 2007: (i) housing occupancy patterns were approximately constant, (ii) rents were stable, and (iii) house prices appreciated considerably in the late 1990s. I develop a model based on search and matching theory and close it by specifying a state of household confidence that is assumed to take one of two sunspot-driven values: normal or exuberant. The model generates a substantial increase in house prices and stable rents as the probability of the exuberant state increases, driven by self-fulfilling beliefs. I explore which aspects of the parameterization are important for generating a large appreciation in house prices in the model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    OPEN ECONOMIES REVIEW 25(4) 771-795 2014年9月  査読有り
    This paper investigates the welfare consequences of international policy cooperation by simultaneously introducing the following three elements in a standard two-country general equilibrium model: (i) general degrees of exchange rate pass-through, (ii) nontradable goods and their sector-specific productivity shocks, and (iii) general weights on goods in Cobb-Douglas consumption indices. There are two channels for possible mutual welfare gains from policy cooperation: First, cooperation can compensate for insufficient changes in the terms of trade when the degree of exchange rate pass-through is intermediate. Second, countries can cooperate in reaction to shocks in the nontradable goods sectors. This second channel is revealed by deriving an analytical condition for welfare gains under full pass-through and this condition is characterized by the weights in the consumption indices and the variances of sector-specific productivity shocks. Numerical evaluation demonstrates that when the two countries are symmetric and equal weights on consumption goods are assumed, welfare gains from cooperation increase as symmetric pass-through elasticity increases, which implies that the second channel dominates the first, whose effect on welfare gains is nonmonotonic in pass-through elasticity.
  • Masanori Kashiwagi
    JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY 30 75-85 2014年5月  査読有り
    Using a two-country general equilibrium model, this paper analytically derives the possibility of positive welfare consequences of vehicle currency use in invoicing international trades. Such vehicle currency use is prominent in the data. The literature points out welfare loss under optimal monetary policy due to vehicle currency pricing relative to the flexible price equilibrium outcome, modeling only tradable goods. By introducing nontradable goods and their sector-specific productivity shocks, this paper provides a closed-form condition under which one country's welfare is higher under optimal monetary policy if its exports are invoiced with the other country's currency than if invoiced with its own currency, given that the other country's exports are invoiced with the producer's currency. That is, this paper derives a condition under which vehicle currency pricing is preferred by the nonvehicle currency country to producer currency pricing. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.