
椎葉 一心

シイバ イッシン  (Isshin Shiiba)


学習院大学 理学部 生命分子科学研究所 助教
東京薬科大学 客員研究員
博士 (生命科学)



  • Shun Nagashima, Naoki Ito, Isshin Shiiba, Hiroki Shimura, Shigeru Yanagi
    The Journal of Biochemistry 2022年11月8日  
    Abstract Mitochondria are involved in various cellular processes, such as energy production, inflammatory responses, and cell death. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with many age-related diseases, including neurological disorders and heart failure. Mitochondrial quality is strictly maintained by mitochondrial dynamics linked to an adequate supply of phospholipids and other substances from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The outer mitochondrial membrane-localized E3 ubiquitin ligase MITOL/MARCHF5 is responsible for mitochondrial quality control through the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics, formation of mitochondria-ER contacts, and mitophagy. MITOL deficiency has been shown to impair mitochondrial function, cause an excessive inflammatory response, and increase vulnerability to stress, resulting in the exacerbation of the disease. In this study, we overview the ubiquitin-mediated regulation of mitochondrial function by MITOL and the relationship between MITOL and diseases.
  • Takeshi Tokuyama, Hideki Uosaki, Ayumu Sugiura, Gen Nishitai, Keisuke Takeda, Shun Nagashima, Isshin Shiiba, Naoki Ito, Taku Amo, Satoshi Mohri, Akiyuki Nishimura, Motohiro Nishida, Ayumu Konno, Hirokazu Hirai, Satoshi Ishido, Takahiro, Yoshizawa, Takayuki Shindo, Shingo Takada, Shintaro Kinugawa, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    iScience 25(7) 104582-104582 2022年  
    Abnormal mitochondrial fragmentation by dynamin-related protein1 (Drp1) is associated with the progression of aging-associated heart diseases, including heart failure and myocardial infarction (MI). Here, we report a protective role of outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM)-localized E3 ubiquitin ligase MITOL/MARCH5 against cardiac senescence and MI, partly through Drp1 clearance by OMM-associated degradation (OMMAD). Persistent Drp1 accumulation in cardiomyocyte-specific MITOL conditional-knockout mice induced mitochondrial fragmentation and dysfunction, including reduced ATP production and increased ROS generation, ultimately leading to myocardial senescence and chronic heart failure. Furthermore, ischemic stress-induced acute downregulation of MITOL, which permitted mitochondrial accumulation of Drp1, resulted in mitochondrial fragmentation. Adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery of the MITOL gene to cardiomyocytes ameliorated cardiac dysfunction induced by MI. Our findings suggest that OMMAD activation by MITOL can be a therapeutic target for aging-associated heart diseases, including heart failure and MI.
  • Naoki Ito, Takara Takahashi, Isshin Shiiba, Shun Nagashima, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    Journal of biochemistry 171(5) 529-541 2021年12月29日  
    The transfer of phospholipids from the endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria via the mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contact site (MERCS) is essential for maintaining mitochondrial function and integrity. Here, we identified RMDN3/PTPIP51, possessing phosphatidic acid (PA)-transfer activity, as a neighboring protein of the mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase MITOL/MARCH5 by proximity-dependent biotin labeling using APEX2. We found that MITOL interacts with and ubiquitinates RMDN3. Mutational analysis identified lysine residue 89 in RMDN3 as a site of ubiquitination by MITOL. Loss of MITOL or the substitution of lysine 89 to arginine in RMDN3 significantly reduced the PA-binding activity of RMDN3, suggesting that MITOL regulates the transport of PA to mitochondria by activating RMDN3. Our findings imply that ubiquitin signaling regulates phospholipid transport at the MERCS.
  • Shun Nagashima, Naoki Ito, Reiki Kobayashi, Isshin Shiiba, Hiroki Shimura, Toshifumi Fukuda, Hideo Hagihara, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    The Journal of biological chemistry 100620-100620 2021年3月31日  
    Mouse models of various neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, often display an immature dentate gyrus, characterized by increased numbers of immature neurons and neuronal progenitors and a dearth of mature neurons. We previously demonstrated that the CRMP5-associated GTPase (CRAG), a short splice variant of Centaurin-γ3/AGAP3, is highly expressed in the dentate gyrus. CRAG promotes cell survival and antioxidant defense by inducing the activation of serum response factors at promyelocytic leukemia protein bodies, which are nuclear stress-responsive domains, during neuronal development. However, the physiological role of CRAG in neuronal development remains unknown. Here, we analyzed the role of CRAG using dorsal forebrain-specific CRAG/Centaurin-γ3 knockout mice. The mice revealed maturational abnormality of the hippocampal granule cells, including increased doublecortin-positive immature neurons and decreased calbindin-positive mature neurons, a typical phenotype of immature dentate gyri. Furthermore, the mice displayed hyperactivity in the open-field test, a common measure of exploratory behavior, suggesting that these mice may serve as a novel model for neuropsychiatric disorder associated with hyperactivity. Thus, we conclude that CRAG is required for the maturation of neurons in the dentate gyrus, raising the possibility that its deficiency might promote the development of psychiatric disorders in humans.
  • Isshin Shiiba, Keisuke Takeda, Shun Nagashima, Naoki Ito, Takeshi Tokuyama, Shun-Ichi Yamashita, Tomotake Kanki, Toru Komatsu, Yasuteru Urano, Yuuta Fujikawa, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    EMBO reports 22(3) e49097 2021年3月3日  
    Parkin promotes cell survival by removing damaged mitochondria via mitophagy. However, although some studies have suggested that Parkin induces cell death, the regulatory mechanism underlying the dual role of Parkin remains unknown. Herein, we report that mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase (MITOL/MARCH5) regulates Parkin-mediated cell death through the FKBP38-dependent dynamic translocation from the mitochondria to the ER during mitophagy. Mechanistically, MITOL mediates ubiquitination of Parkin at lysine 220 residue, which promotes its proteasomal degradation, and thereby fine-tunes mitophagy by controlling the quantity of Parkin. Deletion of MITOL leads to accumulation of the phosphorylated active form of Parkin in the ER, resulting in FKBP38 degradation and enhanced cell death. Thus, we have shown that MITOL blocks Parkin-induced cell death, at least partially, by protecting FKBP38 from Parkin. Our findings unveil the regulation of the dual function of Parkin and provide a novel perspective on the pathogenesis of PD.
  • Keisuke Takeda, Aoi Uda, Mikihiro Mitsubori, Shun Nagashima, Hiroko Iwasaki, Naoki Ito, Isshin Shiiba, Satoshi Ishido, Masaaki Matsuoka, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    Communications biology 4(1) 192-192 2021年2月12日  査読有り
    Mitochondrial pathophysiology is implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). An integrative database of gene dysregulation suggests that the mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase MITOL/MARCH5, a fine-tuner of mitochondrial dynamics and functions, is downregulated in patients with AD. Here, we report that the perturbation of mitochondrial dynamics by MITOL deletion triggers mitochondrial impairments and exacerbates cognitive decline in a mouse model with AD-related Aβ pathology. Notably, MITOL deletion in the brain enhanced the seeding effect of Aβ fibrils, but not the spontaneous formation of Aβ fibrils and plaques, leading to excessive secondary generation of toxic and dispersible Aβ oligomers. Consistent with this, MITOL-deficient mice with Aβ etiology exhibited worsening cognitive decline depending on Aβ oligomers rather than Aβ plaques themselves. Our findings suggest that alteration in mitochondrial morphology might be a key factor in AD due to directing the production of Aβ form, oligomers or plaques, responsible for disease development.
  • Keigo Matsuno, Shun Nagashima, Isshin Shiiba, Keito Taniwaka, Keisuke Takeda, Takeshi Tokuyama, Naoki Ito, Nobuko Matsushita, Toshifumi Fukuda, Satoshi Ishido, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    Journal of biochemistry 168(3) 305-312 2020年9月1日  査読有り
    In mitochondrial disorders, short stature and growth failure are common symptoms, but their underlying mechanism remains unknown. In this study, we examined the cause of growth failure of mice induced by nestin promoter-driven knockout of the mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase MITOL (MARCH5), a key regulator of mitochondrial function. MITOL-knockout mice have congenital hypoplasia of the anterior pituitary caused by decreased expression of pituitary transcript factor 1 (Pit1). Consistently, both mRNA levels of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin levels were markedly decreased in the anterior pituitary of mutant mice. Growth failure of mutant mice was partly rescued by hypodermic injection of recombinant GH. To clarify whether this abnormality was induced by the primary effect of MITOL knockdown in the anterior pituitary or a secondary effect of other lesions, we performed lentiviral-mediated knockdown of MITOL on cultured rat pituitary GH3 cells, which secrete GH. GH production was severely compromised in MITOL-knockdown GH3 cells. In conclusion, MITOL plays a critical role in the development of the anterior pituitary; therefore, mice with MITOL dysfunction exhibited pituitary dwarfism caused by anterior pituitary hypoplasia. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction is commonly involved in the unknown pathogenesis of pituitary dwarfism.
  • Isshin Shiiba, Keisuke Takeda, Shun Nagashima, Shigeru Yanagi
    International journal of molecular sciences 21(11) 2020年5月27日  査読有り
    The molecular pathology of diseases seen from the mitochondrial axis has become more complex with the progression of research. A variety of factors, including the failure of mitochondrial dynamics and quality control, have made it extremely difficult to narrow down drug discovery targets. We have identified MITOL (mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase: also known as MARCH5) localized on the mitochondrial outer membrane and previously reported that it is an important regulator of mitochondrial dynamics and mitochondrial quality control. In this review, we describe the pathological aspects of MITOL revealed through functional analysis and its potential as a drug discovery target.
  • Takeshi Tokuyama, Asei Hirai, Isshin Shiiba, Naoki Ito, Keigo Matsuno, Keisuke Takeda, Kanata Saito, Koki Mii, Nobuko Matsushita, Toshifumi Fukuda, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    Biomolecules 10(3) 2020年3月13日  査読有り
    Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that constantly fuse, divide, and move, and their function is regulated and maintained by their morphologic changes. Mitochondrial disease (MD) comprises a group of disorders involving mitochondrial dysfunction. However, it is not clear whether changes in mitochondrial morphology are related to MD. In this study, we examined mitochondrial morphology in fibroblasts from patients with MD (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) and Leigh syndrome). We observed that MD fibroblasts exhibited significant mitochondrial fragmentation by upregulation of Drp1, which is responsible for mitochondrial fission. Interestingly, the inhibition of mitochondrial fragmentation by Drp1 knockdown enhanced cellular toxicity and led to cell death in MD fibroblasts. These results suggest that mitochondrial fission plays a critical role in the attenuation of mitochondrial damage in MD fibroblasts.
  • Shun Nagashima, Keisuke Takeda, Isshin Shiiba, Mizuho Higashi, Toshifumi Fukuda, Takeshi Tokuyama, Nobuko Matsushita, Seiichi Nagano, Toshiyuki Araki, Mari Kaneko, Go Shioi, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    Scientific reports 9(1) 20107-20107 2019年12月27日  査読有り
    CRMP-5-associated GTPase (CRAG), a short splicing variant of centaurin-γ3/AGAP3, is predominantly expressed in the developing brain. We previously demonstrated that CRAG, but not centaurin-γ3, translocates to the nucleus and activates the serum response factor (SRF)-c-Fos pathway in cultured neuronal cells. However, the physiological relevance of CRAG in vivo is unknown. Here, we found that CRAG/centaurin-γ3-knockout mice showed intensively suppressed kainic acid-induced c-fos expression in the hippocampus. Analyses of molecular mechanisms underlying CRAG-mediated SRF activation revealed that CRAG has an essential role in GTPase activity, interacts with ELK1 (a co-activator of SRF), and activates SRF in an ELK1-dependent manner. Furthermore, CRAG and ELK1 interact with promyelocytic leukaemia bodies through SUMO-interacting motifs, which is required for SRF activation. These results suggest that CRAG plays a critical role in ELK1-dependent SRF-c-fos activation at promyelocytic leukaemia bodies in the developing brain.
  • Keisuke Takeda, Shun Nagashima, Isshin Shiiba, Aoi Uda, Takeshi Tokuyama, Naoki Ito, Toshifumi Fukuda, Nobuko Matsushita, Satoshi Ishido, Takao Iwawaki, Takashi Uehara, Ryoko Inatome, Shigeru Yanagi
    The EMBO journal 38(15) e100999 2019年8月1日  査読有り
    Unresolved endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress shifts the unfolded protein response signaling from cell survival to cell death, although the switching mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report that mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase (MITOL/MARCH5) inhibits ER stress-induced apoptosis through ubiquitylation of IRE1α at the mitochondria-associated ER membrane (MAM). MITOL promotes K63-linked chain ubiquitination of IRE1α at lysine 481 (K481), thereby preventing hyper-oligomerization of IRE1α and regulated IRE1α-dependent decay (RIDD). Therefore, under ER stress, MITOL depletion or the IRE1α mutant (K481R) allows for IRE1α hyper-oligomerization and enhances RIDD activity, resulting in apoptosis. Similarly, in the spinal cord of MITOL-deficient mice, ER stress enhances RIDD activity and subsequent apoptosis. Notably, unresolved ER stress attenuates IRE1α ubiquitylation, suggesting that this directs the apoptotic switch of IRE1α signaling. Our findings suggest that mitochondria regulate cell fate under ER stress through IRE1α ubiquitylation by MITOL at the MAM.
  • Takeda K, Nagashima S, Shiiba I, Uda A, Tokuyama T, Ito N, Fukuda T, Matsushita N, Ishido S, Iwawaki T, Uehara T, Inatome R, Yanagi S
    The EMBO journal 2019年6月  査読有り







