Faculty of International Social Sciences

Hisato IMAI

  (今井 久登)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology, Gakushuin University

researchmap Member ID

Major Papers

  • Hisato Imai, Dongho Kim, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe
    Although it is well known that reward enhances learning and memory, how extensively such enhancement occurs remains unclear. To address this question, we examined how reward influences retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) in which the retrieval of a nonpracticed item under the same category as a practiced item is worse than the retrieval of a nonpracticed item outside the category. Subjects were asked to try to encode category-exemplar pairs (e.g., FISH-salmon). Then, they were presented with a category name and a two-letter word stem (e.g., FISH-sa) and were asked to complete an encoded word (retrieval practice). For a correct response, apple juice was given as a reward in the reward condition and a beeping sound was presented in the no-reward condition. Finally, subjects were asked to report whether each exemplar had been presented in the first phase. RIF was replicated in the no-reward condition. However, in the reward condition, RIF was eliminated. These results suggest that reward enhances processing of retrieval of unpracticed members by mechanisms such as spreading activation within the same category, irrespective of whether items were practiced or not.


  • 学習院大学人文科学研究所報, 2012年度版 pp.90-93, Mar, 2013  
  • YOSHIMOTO Sanae, IMAI Hisato, TAKEUCHI Tatsuto
    Technical report of IEICE. HCS, 112(412) 71-76, Jan 24, 2013  
    Expressing an emotion is one of important factors in making good interpersonal communication. In this study, we examined whether a subliminal mere exposure to both positive and negative facial expressions influences on interpersonal impression. We found that an exposure to angry face induced a good impression on the subsequently presented same person's neutral face. The exposure to a happy face induced an opposite effect. Rate of pupil constriction was faster when the angry face was subliminally presented than when the happy face was presented. These results indicate that a misattnbution of the strength of cognitive fluency to "likeable feeling" eventually forms good impression for others.
  • 平成18年度-平成19年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤(C) 研究成果報告書, 2010  
  • 今井 久登
    書斎の窓, 585号(585) pp.45-49, Jun, 2009  
  • ASAKAWA Kaori, TANAKA Akihiro, IMAI Hisato, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, SUZUKI Yoiti
    IEICE technical report, 108(356) 131-135, Dec 11, 2008  
    Previous studies have revealed a temporal window in which human observers perceive physically desynchronized auditory and visual signals as synchronous. This temporal window of auditory-visual integration is recalibrated after adaptation to a constant timing difference between auditory and visual signals in nonspeech. In this study, we investigated whether this temporal recalibration occurs in speech. Participants observed monosyllabic audio-visual speech stimuli which had constant timing difference, and then performed the temporal order judgment. We varied the duration of adaptation to reveal whether it affects the temporal recalibration or not. The results suggested that the temporal recalibration for speech occurred and might be affected by the duration of adaptation and the context preceding each judgement.

Books and Other Publications

  • 子安増生・丹野義彦・箱田裕司(監修) (Role: Contributor)
    有斐閣, Feb, 2021 (ISBN: 9784641002661)
  • A・M・スープレナント,I・ニース(共著)今井久登(訳)
    勁草書房, Dec, 2012 (ISBN: 4326250801)
  • 道又爾, 北﨑充晃, 大久保街亜, 今井久登, 山川恵子, 黒沢学
    有斐閣, Dec, 2011 (ISBN: 4641124531)
    ・第6章「記憶 -過去・現在・未来の自己をつなぐー」
  • 今井久登, 石垣琢磨, 工藤恵理子, 平林秀美
    有斐閣, Jan, 2009 (ISBN: 4641177090)
    ・ユニット0「序 心理学とは何か」 ・第1章「個としての心をとらえる -認知心理学」 ・ユニット24「心理学の歴史」 ・ユニット25「心理学の研究法」 ・ユニット26「個人差を知る」[共同執筆] ・ユニット27「今後の学習のために」[共同執筆]
  • 大山正, 編著, 廣中直行, 永瀬英司, 今井久登, 黒沢学
    サイエンス社, May, 2007 (ISBN: 4781911684)
    ・第4章「認知」 ・第5章「記憶」



Teaching Experience


Research Projects


