
Hisashi Okamoto

  (岡本 久)

Profile Information

Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University

researchmap Member ID


  • Sun-Chul Kim, Hisashi Okamoto
    Applied Mathematics Letters, 137 108500-108500, Mar, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • Akitoshi Takayasu, Jean-Philippe Lessard, Jonathan Jaquette, Hisashi Okamoto
    Numerische Mathematik, 151(3) 693-750, May 12, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract In this paper, we introduce a method for computing rigorous local inclusions of solutions of Cauchy problems for nonlinear heat equations for complex time values. The proof is constructive and provides explicit bounds for the inclusion of the solution of the Cauchy problem, which is rewritten as a zero-finding problem on a certain Banach space. Using a solution map operator, we construct a simplified Newton operator and show that it has a unique fixed point. The fixed point together with its rigorous bounds provides the local inclusion of the solution of the Cauchy problem. The local inclusion technique is then applied iteratively to compute solutions over long time intervals. This technique is used to prove the existence of a branching singularity in the nonlinear heat equation. Finally, we introduce an approach based on the Lyapunov–Perron method for calculating part of a center-stable manifold and prove that an open set of solutions of the Cauchy problem converge to zero, hence yielding the global existence of the solutions in the complex plane of time.
  • Sovanna Mean, Koichi Unami, Hisashi Okamoto, Masayuki Fujihara
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 415 126730-126730, Feb, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    Determining water surface profiles of steady open channel flows in a one-dimensional bounded domain is one of the well-trodden topics in conventional hydraulic engineering. However, it involves Dirichlet problems of scalar first-order quasilinear ordinary differential equations, which are of mathematical interest. We show that the notion of viscosity solution is useful in thoroughly describing the characteristics of possibly non-smooth and discontinuous solutions to such problems, achieving the conservation of momentum and the entropy condition. Those viscosity solutions are the generalized solutions in the space of bounded measurable functions. Generalized solutions to some Dirichlet problems are not always unique, and a necessary condition for the non-uniqueness is derived. A concrete example illustrates the non-uniqueness of discontinuous viscosity solutions in a channel of a particular cross-sectional shape.
  • Mayumi Shōji, Hisashi Okamoto
    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 38(1) 79-103, Feb, 2021  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Stationary waves of constant shape and constant propagation speed on rotational flows of two layers are computed numerically. Two layers are assumed to be of distinct constant vorticity distributions. Three different kinds of waves of finite depth are considered: pure capillary, capillary-gravity, and gravity waves. The problem is formulated as a bifurcation problem, which involves many parameters and produces a complicated structure of solutions. We adopted a numerical method by which waves with stagnation points can be computed, and obtained variety of new solutions. It is also reported that the locations of the stagnation points vary curiously with the prescribed parameters and that they offer an interesting problem.
  • Sun-Chul Kim, Hisashi Okamoto
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89(11) 114401-114401, Nov 15, 2020  Peer-reviewed


  • Shoji M., Okamoto H.
    2010 59-59, 2010  
    We consider two-dimensional progressive water-waves, which propagate with a constant speed and a constant shape. Fluid motion is assumed to be irrotational. Trajectories in a coordinate system attached to the wave are easily computed by drawing contours of the stream function. On the other hand, our interest is in trajectories of fluid particles in the stationary coordinates system. It is well-known that fluid particles in a linearized water wave of small amplitude move on a circle or an ellipse, namely closed curve. It is said that the fluid particle on the average does not move while the wave itself propagates with a constant speed. This is, however, a proposition which is valid only approximately. In fact, Stokes (1847) discovered that a particle trajectory is not closed. We compute trajectories of fluid particles and draw particle paths of gravity, capillary-gravity, and pure capillary waves. The stokes drift above is proved in a new method, and some numerical examples will be presented.
  • 岡本 久
    応用数理, 14(1) 97-101, 2004  
  • 岡本 久
    数学, 51 210-212, 1999  
  • 岡本 久
    数学, 33 84, 1981  

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