
清水 大昌

シミズ ダイスケ  (Daisuke Shimizu)


学習院大学 経済学部 経済学科 経済学部 経済学科 教授



  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 67(1) 1-13 2015年1月  
    We investigate the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) by using the spatial price discrimination framework of Pal. The degree of flexibility when producing variants can be increased by increasing the investment or production cost and is endogenously determined. Our result is that private incentives for increasing flexibility are excessive from a social welfare perspective.
  • Takeshi Ebina, Daisuke Shimizu
    ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 49(1) 117-133 2012年8月  
    We investigate in a spatial Cournot competition setting how much product research and development (R&D) investment firms make in order to differentiate their goods. The model features a location competition in the first stage, R&D competition in the second stage, and Cournot competition in the third stage. There are two differentiation methods in the model-spatial differentiation affecting the firm costs, and differentiation in the demand function affecting the demand levels. We find that comparing to the setting with no spatial connotation, the firms tend to invest less in product R&D. We also consider welfare implications. Although the firms employ maximum differentiation in equilibrium, there are cases in which welfare can be improved if the firms are to locate closer to each other.
  • Daisuke Shimizu
    Economics Bulletin Vol. 32(Issue 4) 2870-2875 2012年  
  • Takeshi Ebina, Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 90(3) 613-628 2011年8月  
    We investigate equilibrium locations of a spatial Cournot competition model that includes both circular city and linear city models as special cases. We find that the equilibrium location is discontinuous with respect to parameter beta (beta = 0 implies circular and beta = 1 implies linear), and multiple equilibria appear for some range of beta. The location pattern becomes exactly the same as that of the linear city for a wide range of beta, while it exactly matches that of circular city only when beta = 0. This implies the property of the linear city holds for non-measure zero case, while circular city does not.
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    MANCHESTER SCHOOL 78(6) 609-625 2010年12月  
    We investigate a mixed economy where state-owned public enterprises compete against private firms. We examine sequential privatization of public enterprises, and find that under plausible assumptions one privatization increases the welfare gains of the subsequent privatizations. Thus, even if privatization does not improve welfare at the early stages, it can eventually lead to a point such that privatizations after that point are beneficial to the society and the privatization program ends up with a success.
  • Ikuo Ishibashi, Daisuke Shimizu
    JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 101(2) 169-183 2010年10月  
    We investigate how a leniency program, which is a policy that gives reduced penalties to colluding firms that cooperate with investigations of the Antitrust Authority, affects firms' collusive behavior. Using a model of quantity competition, we show that an amnesty to the second or later candidates of a leniency program is of no use if colluding firms can choose the most profitable collusion. Because a leniency program is a general rule that is applied to various markets in a country, our result implies that the design of a leniency program depends on which kinds of market structure are prevalent in the country.
  • 清水 大昌
    組織科学 Vol43(No4号) 6-12 2010年  
  • Takeshi Ebina, Daisuke Shimizu
    AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS 48(3) 237-251 2009年9月  
    We study sequential merger incentives under presence of product differentiation. Two sets of firms produce closely related goods, whereas each set produces more differentiated goods. Merger incentives under product differentiation are found to be stronger for two firms producing closely related goods than more differentiated goods. Also, after one merger, other firms are willing to follow with their own merger, resulting in sequential mergers. This result is consistent with the recent mergers in the video game software industry in Japan.
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    Economics Bulletin 29(2) 760-768 2009年  
  • Takeshi Ebina, Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    Economics Bulletin 29(4) 2722-2729 2009年  
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW 59(4) 498-518 2008年12月  
    The mixed strategy equilibria in a location quantity duopoly model with circular markets are investigated. We find that a continuum of equilibria exists when the transport cost function is linear. However, if costs are strictly concave or convex, most strategies fail to qualify as equilibria. For any integer n, there are nondegenerate mixed strategy equilibria in which each firm locates at n possible locations with equal probability. This result explains possible outcomes in which firms' on-path locations are not minimally or maximally differentiated.
  • 上神貴佳, 清水大昌
    レヴァイアサン 第40号(40) 255-272 2007年  
  • 松村敏弘, 清水大昌
    経済学雑誌(大阪市立大学経済学会) 第108巻(第3号(宮本良成・惣宇利紀男両教授退任記念号)) 14-25 2007年  
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 85(4) 585-598 2006年11月  
    We investigate two shipping (delivered pricing) duopoly models with circular markets, Cournot and Bertrand. In the Cournot model, maximal distance between two firms becomes the unique equilibrium outcome if transport cost is increasing with distance, irrespective of whether the transport cost function is convex or concave. This result is robust in the sense that cost heterogeneity between two firms does not change the result. In contrast to the Cournot model, this location pattern can fail to be an equilibrium in the Bertrand model.
  • T Matsumura, D Shimizu
    REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 35(6) 658-670 2005年11月  
    We investigated welfare implications in location-quantity models in a symmetric linear city. We found that when firms are not agglomerated in equilibrium, increasing the distance between firms raises (reduces) producer surplus and social welfare (consumer surplus). Moreover, central agglomeration is always optimal for consumers among symmetric locations, but not necessarily for producers. Central agglomeration can be inefficient even if it is the unique equilibrium outcome. In short, the firms are more likely to agglomerate or locate closer than what welfare maximizers would dictate, whereas they locate farther apart than what consumer surplus maximizers would recommend. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Takao Ohkawa, Daisuke Shimizu
    224-35 2005年  
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
    112-19 2005年  
  • Toshihiro Matsumura, Daisuke Shimizu
  • 清水 大昌
    第55巻(第3・4合併号) 139-155 2004年  
  • 舘 健太郎, 清水 大昌
  • Daisuke Shimizu, Toshihiro Matsumura
    1-9 2003年  
  • Daisuke Shimizu
  • Daisuke Shimizu
    317-22 2002年  



