Faculty of International Social Sciences

眞嶋 史叙

Shinobu Majima


学習院大学 経済学部 経済学科 教授
D. Phil.(英国オクスフォード大学)



  • 眞嶋 史叙, イメルダ・タンバヤン
    Gakushuin Economics and Management Review 32 2018年3月  
  • 眞嶋 史叙
    東洋文化研究 (18) 15-66 2016年3月  
  • Gregg Huff, Shinobu Majima
    WAR IN HISTORY 22(2) 191-210 2015年4月  査読有り
    This article analyses finance in South East Asia during the Second World War in terms of three challenges. Beginning in December 1941, Japan swiftly occupied South East Asia and immediately faced the challenge of how to finance occupation. Finance largely through printing money gave rise to a further challenge in the need to avoid hyperinflationary pressures. After the war the reoccupying powers faced their own, and a third, challenge of wartime finance in deciding how to deal with a large stock of money created during the conflict. Comparison with war finance elsewhere shows that the three challenges were met in sometimes unusual but rather effective ways.
  • Julia Twigg, Shinobu Majima
    JOURNAL OF AGING STUDIES 30 23-32 2014年8月  査読有り
    The article addresses debates around the changing nature of old age, using UK data on spending on dress and related aspects of appearance by older women to explore the potential role of consumption in the reconstitution of aged identities. Based on pseudo-cohort analysis of Family Expenditures Survey, it compares spending patterns on clothing, cosmetics and hairdressing, 1961-2011. It concludes that there is little evidence for the 'baby boomers' as a strategic or distinctive generation. There is evidence, however, for increased engagement by older women in aspects of appearance: shopping for clothes more frequently; more involved in the purchase of cosmetics; and women over 75 are now the most frequent attenders at hairdressers. The roots of these patterns, however, lie more in period than cohort effects, and in the role of producer-led developments such as mass cheap fashion and the development of anti-ageing products. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 眞嶋 史叙
    Journal of Economic History 73(4) 937-977 2013年12月  査読有り





