
熊井 信弘

クマイ ノブヒロ  (Nobuhiro Kumai)


学習院大学 外国語教育研究センター





  • 熊井, 信弘
    言語 文化 社会 (22) 83-101 2024年3月  
  • 熊井, 信弘
    言語 文化 社会 = Language, cultute and society 19(19) 55-68 2021年3月  
    第2言語習得において、これまでのところリスニング能力を高めるための様々な方法が開発され試行されてきているが、近年の研究によれば、特に英語のリスニングによる理解の際には、短縮や脱落、連結、同化、弱化といった英語特有の音声変化に関する知識の習得が、音声の知覚や意味理解を促進する上で大きな役割を果たしていると考えられている(Brown & Hilferty, 2006)。本実践研究ではその音声変化現象に注目し、リスニング時における音声知覚と意味理解を高めるための方法について、授業内で実際に行った指導について詳述する。具体的には英語のリスニング能力を高めるため、一定期間英語学習者に対して英語の音声変化に重点を置いたリスニングの訓練を行ったが、本稿ではそのリスニング指導の効果を測定するため、事前および事後テストを行い、リスニング能力の伸長度を比較することによって、この実践の有効性について述べる。ただし、実際の授業参加者が少なく(n=12)、統計的な分析をするためのデータが十分ではないことから、ここでは音声変化の習得を促進するために授業で行った実践と、簡易的に得られたリスニングの伸張度についてのデータ、および、その分析について論ずることとする。それに加えて、一連の授業の最後に学習者に対してこの指導法に関するアンケート調査を行い、当該の英語学習者のリスニング能力にどのような変化が生じたかや、こうした学習方法がどのように捉えられたかについてデータを収集し分析を行った。
  • 熊井 信弘
    言語・文化・社会 (18) 71-82 2020年3月  
    English Central is an online English language learning program, which provides learners with a website featuring a variety of short authentic video footage designed to improve listening, speaking, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Students used this program in and out of the classroom for a year with the aim of improving their listening ability. The current paper aims to investigate how much the online learning activities this program offers improved the learners' listening ability and affected their perceptions about listening. Five students participated in this study. Their listening ability was measured in pre- and post-tests to identify improvements resulting from the intervention. It was found that the overall listening comprehension score improved in the post-test. A descriptive analysis was also conducted in this study through observation and an online survey. The results show that the students liked the online learning program and they wanted to continue studying with this technologically enhanced learning tool, as it gave them meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences.
  • 熊井 信弘
    言語・文化・社会 (17) 111-119 2019年3月  
    This article deals with updates on VoiceShadow, a Moodle plug-in designed to enable students to easily record audio while "shadowing," where they can listen to a model audio and simultaneously record their own speech without reading the text. It allows self-, peer-, and teacher- evaluations, and supports the recording of multiple audio files and user commenting. Since recordings are sorted by student names, it enables teacher and students to easily follow a series of speaking assignments, encouraging interaction. With the latest version of the VoiceShadow plug-in, students can conduct shadowing practice not only on computers, but also on mobile devices. It also has a built-in feature that transcribes speech by utilizing Google Speech API. Many English learners are not always confident about whether they can make themselves understood by native English speakers. One way to help determine how well their speech might be understood is to use a speech recognition engine of this sort. It is hoped that this latest plug-in will be helpful to those who want to improve their listening and speaking ability by performing shadowing practice in foreign language courses.
  • 熊井 信弘
    学習院大学外国語教育研究センター紀要 (言語・文化・社会) 17 113-120 2018年  
  • 熊井 信弘, ポール ダニエル
    言語 文化 社会 (15) 41-53 2017年3月1日  
    This paper reports on the development of a new Moodle module called "MediaBoard," which is designed to upload and share graphic content online with ther classroom participants. A series of graphic postings with voices recorded either on a mobile device, such as an iPad and Android tablet, or on PCs, can be shared and evaluated within a Moodle course, encouraging interactions among students and instructors in the target language. This version of MediaBoard includes functions such as making and sharing questions about posted content, and feedback in the form of comments and rubrics. However, it was found that there are still compatibility issues with some mobile devices. It is hoped that this module can help students express their own ideas, reflect on their output skills, and develop them further in foreign language courses.
  • 熊井 信弘
    LET Kyushu-Okinawa bulletin (16) 31-45 2016年3月  
  • 熊井 信弘, Daniels Paul
    言語・文化・社会 (13) 91-99 2015年3月  
    This paper reports on the latest development of a Moodle module called "VideoBoard," which is designed to upload and share video content. Video postings recorded either on a mobile device, such as an iPad or Android tablet, can be shared and evaluated within a Moodle course, encouraging interaction among students and instructors. This latest version of VideoBoard includes functions such as feedback in the form of rubrics and better compatibility with mobile devices. It is hoped that this module can help students reflect on their output skills and develop them further in speaking and presentation-based courses.
  • 熊井 信弘
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 34(34) 77-84 2013年7月1日  
    application/pdf 研究報告
  • 熊井 信弘, Daniels Paul
    言語・文化・社会 11(11) 115-130 2013年3月  
    In order to enable leaners to practice shadowing online with Moodle, a module called VoiceShadow was developed by the authors in 2010. In shadowing practice, learners listen to sample speech in the target language and then repeat or shadow the spoken language. In this module, learners can record their own shadowing voices online and compare the model sounds with their own on a computer. This module also allows them to compare their recordings with those of other participants. In this way, they are able to perform self-monitoring, and evaluate each other in Moodle environment.\ However, this module can only be used on computers, not on mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads, which are getting immensely popular especially among college students. Therefore, in this present project, a new Moodle module and a mobile app were developed for use on both PCs and mobile devices. Learners are now able to practice shadowing online at their conviniense. It is hoped that they will be able to enhance their listening and speaking abilities by usuing the new software.
  • 熊井 信弘, 赤塚 麻子
    言語・文化・社会 (10) 41-55 2012年3月  
    Since several studies reported the effectiveness of shadowing training, shadowing has been put to use at every level of English classrooms in Japan in recent years to improve listening comprehension skills. However, methods for improving learners' listening skills have not been fully examined. In order to explore a more effective way for teaching listening through shadowing, this study utilizes an online shadowing module (Wimba VoiceBoard) with which participants can record their own shadowing voices and compare the model sounds with their own in order to make sure that shadowing practice is conducted in an appropriate way. This online module also allowed them to compare their own recordings with those of other participants. In this way, they were able to perform self-monitoring, and evaluate each other in their learning community. This shadowing-oriented class was conducted for ten months. CASEC tests were administered to the participants before and after implementation of the listening program in order to ascertain whether the participants might have benefited from the shadowing activities. The test scores show that there was a significant difference between the pre- and posttests. The results suggest that students will enhance their overall English ability as well as their listening ability by way of online shadowing practice. A questionnaire was given to participants to determine their attitudes toward the class activities and the program's effectiveness. Finally, some suggestions are made for future improvement of the shadowing program.
  • 熊井 信弘, 萓 忠義
    言語・文化・社会 (10) 57-69 2012年3月  
    To improve listening comprehension skills in English, it goes without saying that the learner needs to be exposed to as much spoken English as possible. However, at university level the time available for listening is often limited because of the large number of classes students need to take. In this study, to maximize the time for listening to English on the part of the students, and to encourage them to find time outside of their busy schedules to continue listening to English, mp3audio players were allotted to each class participant for a course lasting 10 months. During the course, the students practiced listening and shadowing in the Moodle environment. Each participant's listening time was submitted to the Learning Management System and could be tracked as necessary by the teacher. CASEC tests were administered before and after implementation of the listening program in order to ascertain what benefits might have occurred from the frequent use of portable audio players in and out of class. The test results show that there was a significant difference between the pre- and post-test scores. It can be argued that listening ability will improve when maximizing time for listening practice by way of frequent use of audio players is put into practice. Additionally, a survey was administered to the participants to determine their attitudes toward using portable audio players for this project, and their personal self-evaluations of the program's effectiveness. It was found that the participants enjoyed using audio players and kept listening to English as much as they could. They also reported that they seem to be able to understand better and feel more confident than before when they listen to English. Finally, suggestions were made for improvement of the project in the future.
  • 熊井 信弘
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 32 118-124 2011年  
  • 熊井 信弘, Paul Daniels
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 31 100-108 2010年12月  
  • 熊井 信弘, 大野 純子
    言語・文化・社会 8(8) 73-89 2010年3月  
    It has been suggested that "shadowing practice" is effective for bottom-up listening and for speaking. When it comes to the evaluation of studentsʼ "shadowing" performance, giving feedback to learners can be a daunting task for the instructors because of the limitation of time and space. This is where an online peer-evaluation system comes in. For this purpose, Wimba Voice Tools and the Moodle Learning Management System are implemented for the collaborative evaluation of studentsʼ individual shadowing practice. With this system, studentsʼ performances are evaluated byother peers as well as bythe instructor online. In this research studentsʼ perception of this online system is explored byusing the teachersʼ observations and studentsʼ questionnaires. It was found that students preferred using this online system to the traditional type of CALL environment since the activity of shadowing can be practiced online, allowing the activity to be carried out anytime, anywhere. It was also found that peer evaluation was helpful in improving learnersʼ own shadowing voices because theycould listen to the performance of other participants and share ideas about how to improve pronunciation.
  • 熊井 信弘
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 30 87-95 2009年12月  
  • 熊井 信弘, 木村 恵子, 大野 純子
    言語・文化・社会 6(6) 185-203 2008年3月  
  • 熊井 信弘, 木村 恵子, 大野 純子
    言語・文化・社会 (5) 198-201 2007年3月  
  • 熊井 信弘, 早坂 信, 馬渕 昌也, 大澤 顕浩, 加藤 耕義, 高柳 信夫, 堀内 ゆかり, フィリップ ブラウン, 水野 雅司, マクレガー ローラ
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 28 40-47 2007年  
  • 熊井 信弘, 早坂 信, 馬渕 昌也, 大澤 顕浩, 加藤 耕義, 高柳 信夫, 堀内 ゆかり, フィリップ ブラウン, 狩野 智洋, 水野 雅司, マクレガー ローラ, 岡田 聡宏
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 27 32-39 2006年10月  
  • 熊井 信弘
    言語・文化・社会 4(4) 91-102 2006年3月  
    The first hypermedia dictation program called"QuickDictation" was developed by Sugiura with software called HyperCαrd in 1993. The same kind of dictation program,"QuickTime Dictation",was produced by Kumai in 1996 by utilizing video files, which offered realistic communication situations to learners. In this program,1earners watch video files on a screen and enter the exact words they hear. The program automatically evaluates the learners'answers and shows them how well they did in the exercise by providing feedback information once the task is completed. Analysis showed a high rate of preference by learners for this program. However there are some drawbacks which need further improvements. One of them is that the program functions as a mere tester rather than as ahelper. The program only shows whether the answers are correct or not, yielding no other information or clues such as what is wrong with the answers and what learners should do to provide the right answers. Another drawback is that the program worked only on Macintosh computers, which were not the main stream computer system at that time, and could therefore not be executed via the computer network or the Internet. What's worse, the learners'results could not be saved for later reference or analysis. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the new version of the video dictation program was developed, and to discuss some improvements in terms of technology and educational implications. This video dictation program is designed to improve learners'1istening skills, espe一 cially bottom-up processing. The software was produced with quiz authoring software, Q厩zル1αker 2.Oby Articulate. In this program learners watch video files which include the sound changes they learn in the classroom and enter what they hear on the screen. Their answers are automatically recorded and processed by the program. Then the learners get immediate feedback on their results. The results are accumulated in the server, called 五θαγ痂g、Mαnαgement System(Moodle or WebClass)and can be obtained in the form of Excel files for future reference and analysis. With the help of such online programs, teachers can shift these basic practices to the homework assignment outside the classrooms so that they can concentrate more often on those communicative activities and authentic tasks which are only possible during class-time.
  • 熊井 信弘, 早坂 信, 馬渕 昌也, 大澤 顕浩, 高柳 信夫, 堀内 ゆかり, 狩野 智洋, 水野 雅司, マクレガー ローラ, 岡田 聡宏
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 26 35-43 2005年11月  
  • 熊井 信弘, 早坂 信, マクレガー ローラ, 岡田 聡宏
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 26 142-146 2005年11月  
  • 熊井 信弘
    言語・文化・社会 3(3) 89-100 2005年3月  
    To date, a series of multimedia programs for practicing English conversations have been developed to enhance the communicative competence of learners of English. This paper outlines the multimedia program, ln teractive 1)iαlog developed by the author based on the ideas of Quickl)iα一 log by Sugiura&Ozeki(1996)and VVebDiαlog by Kumai et a1.(2005). In this program,1earners access the learning materials on the Internet to practice conventional conversations in English, such as"at the restaurant,""at a department store,"and so on. On the screen, the computer" talks"to the learner in the form of a video. The learners are to watch it and try to understand what the computer says and make a reasonable response by choosing the best reply out of the five video choices given on the computer screen. If the right answer is chosen, they are presented with the next stage and then the computer will respond to the reply chosen by the learners. By continuously choosing the most appropriate response consistent with the conversational discourse presented in the video,1earners can then proceed to the final stage and thus successfully conclude the conversation. If a wrong reply is chosen, they are forced to"go back to the drawing board"and start the conversation with the computer again from the very beginning. What is so different from other programs is that learners can practice the conversations via the Internet, which means they can learn whenever they like and wherever they are as long as they are connected to the Internet, because this program is web-based and can be utilized with most of the web browsers with QuickTime plug-in. Another striking feature is that it is an interactive program in which learners can really participate in the conversations, thus stimulating learner motivation. It is hoped that this kind of program will be widely used and will help learners of English develop their communicative skills, especially in terms of the discourse of the conventional conversations.
  • 熊井 信弘, 馬渕 昌也, 加藤 耕義, 高柳 信夫, 堀内 ゆかり, 大澤 顯浩, フィリップ ブラウン, 狩野 智洋, 水野 雅司, マクレガー ローラ, 岡田 聡宏
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 25 79-90 2004年12月  
  • 熊井 信弘
    言語・文化・社会 2(2) 129-138 2004年3月  
    One of our greatest challenges as English teachers is how to facilitate the development of learners'comprehension skills, especially listening in English for effective communication. This can be accomplished by designing interactive multimedia self-study materials and putting them on the Net. This paper describes how multimedia web materials have been put to use in enabling students to review their English lessons as well as reinforce their comprehension skills any time, anywhere as long as they are connected to the Internet. A number of self-study lessons have been developed using authoring programs such as StreamAuthor and Hot Potatoes. In these materials, students watch streaming videos synchronized with explanations about the English lessons, and then work on the exercises provided for self assessment. It is hoped that students will benefit from this self-1earning environment to reinforce their knowledge as well as enhance their comprehension skills through these online materials.
  • 熊井 正喜, 尾坂 翠, 鈴木 信宏
    学術講演梗概集. E-1, 建築計画I, 各種建物・地域施設, 設計方法, 構法計画, 人間工学, 計画基礎 (2003) 1053-1054 2003年7月30日  
  • 熊井 信弘, 早坂 信, 馬渕 昌也, 加藤 耕義, 高柳 信夫, 堀内 ゆかり, フィリップ ブラウン, 狩野 智洋, 水野 雅司, ローラ マクレガー, 岡田 聡宏
    学習院大学計算機センター年報 24 16-22 2003年  
  • 渡邊 由紀子, 北條 礼子, 熊井 信弘
    上越英語研究 3 74-74 2002年  
  • 北條 礼子, 渡邊 由紀子, 熊井 信弘, Hojo Reiko, Watanabe Yukiko, Kumai Nobuhiro, ホウジョウ レイコ, ワタナベ ユキコ, クマイ ノブヒロ
    上越教育大学研究紀要 21(2) 513-526 2002年  
    本研究の目的は,公立小学校への英語導入に関して,教職の有無によって意識に違いがあるかどうかを明らかにすることである。2000年9月に本学大学院1年生215名(教職経験者134名,教職未経験者81名)を対象に,27項目から成るアンケートを用いて集団調査を実施した。集計結果は,分散分析,因子分析,x^2検定により分析した。その結果,公立小学校への英語導入の利点として,教職経験者は教職未経験者と比べると,英語導入によって,「内容を全体的に捉える力が伸ばせる」とも「広い視野と柔軟な思考力を養える」とも感じていないことが明らかになった。また,公立小学校への英語導入の問題点として,教職経験者,未経験者とも小学校での英語担当日本人教月の不足,1クラスの人数が多すぎることを問題点として捉えていることや,教職未経験者が地域に英語導入は当然という雰囲気があると感じていることがわかった。In 2002, English will be introduced to some public elementary schools as one of the alternatives under the newly started curriculum, General Studies. The purpose of this study is to compare how teachers and students in pre-service training feel about this movement. The survey was conducted in July of 2002 with 215 graduate school students of Joetsu University of Education (134 teachers and 81 teachers-to-be), using 27 questionnaire items. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, factor analysis and a chi-square test. The results revealed that: 1) teachers do not necessarily feel that English will enhance the flexibility of pupils' thinking; 2) both teachers and teachers-to-be feel that there are few Japanese teachers who could teach English at elementary school and that there are too many pupils in one class; and 3) teachers do not feel that introducing English into elementary school is strongly expected by pupils' parents and communities.
  • 熊井 信弘
    上越教育大学大学院学校教育研究科言語系コース(英語)研究論集 13 28-28 1998年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    上越教育大学研究紀要 18(1) 233-243 1998年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    上越教育大学研究紀要 16(2) 597-605 1997年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    上越教育大学研究紀要 17(1) 283-292 1997年  
  • 熊井 信弘, 谷口 ジョイス M.
    研究紀要 39 79-89 1995年12月  
    表紙著者名 : 熊井, 信弘 / 谷口, ジョイス M. This paper investigates how computers can be used to enhance students' English skills and how they can be helpful to express themselves and improve their learning experiences at college level. Practical ways to use computers for producing multimedia programs and for a writing class are described. The teacher's roles in a computer class are also considered. The findings suggest that considerable improvements in the students learning could be gained by using these methods. The paper concludes that perhaps the greatest benefit from using computers may be in supporting more flexible methods of learning.
  • 熊井 信弘
    JACET全国大会要綱 34 259-262 1995年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    研究紀要 38 27-31 1994年12月  
    表紙著者名 : 熊井, 信弘
  • 杉浦 正利, 熊井 信弘, 山内 豊, 末岡 敏明
    JACET全国大会要綱 33 226-226 1994年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    研究紀要 = Annual Reports of Studies 37(37) 105-111 1993年12月1日  
  • 熊井 信弘
    英米学研究 = English and American Studies 28(28) 83-89 1993年1月1日  
  • 熊井 信弘
    JACET全国大会要綱 32 162-163 1993年  
  • 熊井 信弘
    英米学研究 = English and American Studies 27(27) 21-30 1992年1月1日  
  • 熊井 信弘
    関東甲信越英語教育学会研究紀要 3 59-68 1989年  
  • 豊田 一男, 島岡 丘, 田部 滋, 廣野 威志, 佐藤 敏子, 新村 朋美, 熊井 信弘, 久保野 雅史, 椎名 恭子, 青木 幸子
    筑波大学学校教育部紀要 11 47-79 1989年  



